Craft of the tribes

There are various in game visuals for the weapons of the tribes. Those weapons though aren't available to the players.

The master crafter of each tribe will be able to propose a quest to the players to teach them how to create the weapon of his tribe. To access that quest, the fame the player has with the tribe will need to be high (80+). The first challenge will be to have a good reputation with the tribe and that means long hours on the game. There will also be an appropriate required level inherent to the zone.

The crafter will then send the player to collect various materials that are more or less hard to find, then will teach him a new crafting plan. Stats wise, it will work the same as the other weapons from the game. It will need to be decided if they are treated as generic or if they're link to the region. That option is less likely to create unbalances, but getting things slightly unbalanced can change something in the game. To be tested carefully.

This project requires more skills (create the plans, the quest, insert it in the game) and more people to become viable. It requires the collaboration of the whole community. Some people will write the quests, others will create the datasheets, others will design the missing weapons or add textures for medium or high plan. Of course, each project will be read and verified on the test server before being put into play. This time, it'll be a "real" addition to the content, creating more quests and plans on the server.

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