(60 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
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{{tabLang|EN|DE|ARCC Expert EN|ES|ARCC Expert FR|RU}}
{{Migrated to|:en:ARK, expert}}
{{tabLang|EN|ARCC Expert DE|ARCC Expert EN|ARCC Expert ES|ARCC Expert FR|ARCC Expert RU}}
{{toTrad|EN|To check the quality of the text itself}}
{{toTrad|EN|To check the quality of the text itself}}
{{toTrad|FR|À corriger par rapport à l'anglais}}
{{toTrad|FR|À corriger par rapport à l'anglais. Attendre qu'il n'y ait plus de "WIP" (marques jaunes) }}
<big>'''User guide for RARC, short for Ryzom ARChitect.'''</big>
<small>''For historical reasons, those manuals refers to '''A.R.C.C.''' ''</small>
<big>'''User guide for Ark, short for Ryzom Arkitect.'''</big>
''For historical reasons, those manuals refers very often, almost always, to '''A.R.C.C.'''.
''This is due to the fact that the full documentation has been started with the initial name, '''ARCC''', meaning '''A'''dvanced '''R'''yzom '''C'''ontent '''C'''reator.
*[[ARCC intro EN|Volume I : Quick Start Guide]]
*[[ARCC intro EN|Volume I : Quick Start Guide]]
Line 17: Line 19:
==Ryzom specific BBCODE==
==Ryzom specific BBCODE==
''' ''Session'' ''' is the simplest way to memorize data during the session, i.e. the connection. It offers also quicker answer, because it is a temporary memory not stored in the DB server.
<small>It can be use also in some condition as a temporary array, when each ''Rows'' are named, because that is the internal behaviour of ''Session''.</small>
*'''text''': depends of the attribute.
** <empty> : ''text'' is the ''raw name'' of ''Session''.
** any ''raw name'' : save the ''text'' in the temporary memory of ''Session''.  
''' ''date'' ''' displays date in "human". See also ''[[#time|time]]''.
*'''text''': If empty or zero gives the actual date.
:otherwise, seconds to add to 1970-01-01 00:00.
*'''attribute''': format for the date. By default if empty: "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm"
*Putting a value:
*[date]0[/date] ⇒ 2014-10-24 15:31
**[session=Name_1]Name one[/session]
*[date]3600[/date] ⇒ 1970-01-01 02:00
**[session=Name_2]&rArr;Name two&lArr;[/session]
*[date]-3600[/date ] ⇒ 1970-01-01 00:00
*Getting the value stored in the session (connection)
**Name_1 = [session]Name_1[/session] displays : "Name one"
*[date="%d/%m/%Y %H:%M"]3600[/date] ⇒ "01/01/1970 02:00"
**Name_2 = [session]Name_2[/session] displays : "&rArr;Name two&lArr;"
=== db ===
''' ''db'' ''' store or read a value in a DB.
DB is of different kind of rows sets.
For instance, "player" DB will memorize the name of the player in column 0; ARCC DB, will memorize an internal number,...
Columns can be named, otherwise they are referred by the sequential numeration 0 to n
==== Settings ==== 
* '''text''': (general form: xxx:xxx:xxx)
*# store a data in a cell
*# read the contents in a cell
: A cell is defined as: ''line'':''scope''  where:
# ''line'' is a specific kind of data.
# ''scope'' is associated to the characteristics of the players who are:
## player (by default and equivalent to '0' )
## guild
## arcc
## civ
## cult
## org
## race
* '''attribute''': Name of the database.
==== Examples ==== 
*[db=TestDB]0:0=100[/db] load 100 in the cell 0:0 of TestDB.
*[db=TestDB]3:0[/db] read the cell 3:0
''' ''div'' ''' is the equivalent of the HTML bloc <nowiki><div></nowiki>.
That container can divide the page in sections containing the style and other attributes of a HTML bloc.
URL ou titre_à_afficher
*'''text''': Any kind of data who can be included in a HTML bloc: text, images... and their format.
URL lorsque le texte n'est pas nul
*'''attribute''': normaly an array composed by three elements:
** titre_à_afficher: Nom ou intitulé de l'URL
** class
** id
** style
*<nowiki>[div class="Bepock" id="bepock" style="margin:1em;padding:1em;border:none;background:#fed;color:#300;"]Blabla<br/>blabla<br/>...[/div]</nowiki>
<div style="margin:1em; padding:1em;border: none;background:#fed;color:#300;">Blabla<br/>blabla<br/>...</div>
*<nowiki>[url=http://forge.ryzom.com/wiki/ARCC_Expert_EN]The ARCC[/url]</nowiki>
''' ''func'' ''' allow the execution of some functions known in Ryzom.
*texte: ajoute une extension PHP à L’URL fournie dans l'attribut.
<div style="margin:0em; padding:0em;border: none;background:yellow;">
*'''text''': (general form: <1st_part_of_text>|<2nd_part_of_text>|...). Parameters for the functions (except if function has no parameters, in that cas could be the function itself).
*attribut: ne semble pas marcher (un seul caractère parsé). S'il est nul, remonte l'URL du script en cours.
*'''attribute''':one of the next functions:
**now: internal server time in tics
**rand: random value in a range of two limits.
**sqrt: square root.
**log: natural logarithm.
**pow: power of <1st_number_in_text> by <2nd_number_in_text>.
**round: round of a number.
**floor: floor of a number.
**min: min between two numbers.
**max: max between two numbers.
**find: find in the <1st_string_in_text> the <2nd_string_in_text>: return 1 if found, otherwise, 0.
**split: split the <1st_part_of_text> (a string) by the <2nd_part_of_text> (a char) and return the nth element of the split gift by the <3rd_part_of_text> (a number), if define otherwise the first element counting from 0.
**substr: extract a substring from the <1st_part_of_text> (a string) begininh at the <2nd_part_of_text> (a number) till the <3rd_part_of_text> (a number), if define otherwise till the end of the given string. Chars are counted from 0.
**unset_url_param: unset parameters.
**building: include if not already defined an alias to the  <1st_string_in_text>.
*[scripturl]ryform_action=edit&ryform_name=stages%3A0[/scripturl] donne:
*now: [func]now[/func] or [func=now]100[/func]
*rand: [func=rand]0|10[/func]
*sqrt: [func=sqrt]64[/func] = 8
*log: [func=log]10[/func] = 2.302585092994
*pow: [func=pow]10|2[/func] = 100
*round: [func=round]2.85092994[/func] = 3
*floor: [func=floor]2.85092994[/func] = 2
*min: [func=min]10|2[/func] = 2
*max: [func=max]10|2[/func] = 10
**[func=find]AZERTYUIOP|Y[/func] = 1
**[func=find]azertyuiop|Y[/func] = 0
**[func=split]A_B_C_D|_[/func] = A
**[func=split]A_B_C_D|_|2[/func] = C
**[func=substr]A_B_C_D|2[/func] = B_C_D
**[func=substr]A_B_C_D|2|4[/func] = B_C_
''' ''gender'' ''' returns a text according to the gender.
*texte:  2 champs poossibles:
*# URL de l'image, obligatoire: image clicable;
*'''text''': text to display if the char has the gender of the attribute.
*# Affichage du nom de l'URL au survol de la souri sur l'icone. Précédé du caractère souligné ("_"), il s'agit d'un texte à traduire qui sera entre parenthèses "{}" s'il n'est pas traduit.
*'''attribute''': '''''m''''' or '''''f'''''
*attribut: URL
''We assume that the player is male.''
*[gender=m]Sir![/gender] returns '''''Sir!'''''
*[gender=f]Miss![/gender] returns nothing.
*'''attribute''': None.
*<nowiki>[imgurl=http://forge.ryzom.com/wiki/ARCC_Expert_EN]http://app.ryzom.com//data/icons/32/emotion_tongue.png _The_ARCC[/imgurl]</nowiki>
[http://forge.ryzom.com/wiki/ARCC_Expert_EN [[file:emotion_tongue.png|The_ARCC]] ]
Empty function!
*#chargement d'une donnée: ''cellule ='' valeur
*#extraction d'une donnée enregistrée: ''cellule''
:cellule est défini par:  ''ligne'': ''colonne''
:# ''ligne'' = enregistrement dans la base (peut être nommé ou numéro d'ordre à partir de 0)
''' ''if'' ''' displays a text if attribute is OK
:# ''colonne'' ou "scope" = domaine d’application:
*'''text''': text to display if attribute is OK
*'''attribute''': math evaluation.
:##arcc => 0
*attribut: Nom  de la base.
*[db=TestDB]0:0=100[/db] chargement d'une valeur (100) dans une DB.
''' ''ifnot'' ''' displays a text if attribute is NOT OK
*[db=TestDB]3:0[/db] RAZ dans une DB.
*'''text''': text to display if attribute is NOT OK
*'''attribute''': math evaluation.
<div style="margin:0em; padding:0em;border: none;background:yellow;">
''' ''img'' ''' displays an image.
''Something is wrong because, I (Bepock) obtain always a '' " title="" /> '' after the image. Use [imgurl] instead: it works fine.''
*texte: nul ou adresse_de_l_image nom_de_l_image
*attribut: significatif si texte est nul
*'''text''': image_URL
** nom_de_l_image (utilisé aussi pour l'affichage de remplacement si est image absente. Éventuellement traduite automatiquement)
*'''attribute''': does not work
:http://app.ryzom.com//data/icons/32/emotion_happy.png  " title="" />
''' ''imgurl'' ''' displays an image linking to an URL.
*texte: texte qui sera affiché dans une page HTML dans un bloc "div" HTML. C'est un container qui divise la page en une section contenant ses propres objet et styles.
<div style="margin:0em; padding:0em;border: none;background:yellow;">
*'''text''': (general form: xxx xxx xxx). 2 kinds of data:
*attribut: array composé de trois éléments:
*# URL of the image, mandatory: clickable image;
** class
*# Display name of the URL when mouse goes over the image. Preceded by the underscore character ("_"), it is a text that will be translated. It remains enclosed by brackets "{}" if it is not translated.
** id
*'''attribute''': URL
** style
*[div]Un texte[/div]
*<nowiki>[imgurl=http://forge.ryzom.com/wiki/ARCC_Expert_EN]http://app.ryzom.com//data/icons/32/emotion_tongue.png _The_ARCC[/imgurl]</nowiki>
<div style="margin:0em; padding:0em;border: none;background:yellow;">
:[http://forge.ryzom.com/wiki/ARCC_Expert_EN [[file:emotion_tongue.png|The_ARCC]] ]
<div style="margin:0em; padding:0em;border: none;background:yellow;">
''' ''itemicon'' ''' displays a thumbnail of an item.
*affichage du calcul
*affichage du résultat
<div style="margin:0em; padding:0em;border: none;background:yellow;">
*'''text''': the item ([[Sitem|SITEM file]])
*attribut: significatif si texte est nul
*'''attribute''': None.
*[itemicon]teddyubo.sitem[/itemicon] or
*[itemicon]teddyubo[/itemicon] displays: http://api.ryzom.com/data/cache/item_icons/0cf49e1620be972028c29a613d11ef2a.png
An anexistant or erroneous file such [itemicon]NoExist[/itemicon] displays : http://api.ryzom.com/data/cache/item_icons/c37962969910e09734d859a89e32085c.png
<div style="margin:0em; padding:0em;border: none;background:yellow;">
''' ''link'' ''' builds a internal link.
*attribut: significatif si texte est nul
** if "#", the text is the url name.
** if empty, the text is a list of selected parameters in the script.
''We assume that the number of the script is 2124.''
*[link][/link] &rArr; http://app.ryzom.com/app_arcc/index.php?action=script_Edit&event=211&script=1929
*<nowiki>[link=#]A name for that link[/link] ⇒ displays a link with the name "A name for that link" to the URL http://app.ryzom.com/app_arcc/index.php?action=mScript_Edit&script=2124&select=0</nowiki>
:http://app.ryzom.com/app_arcc/index.php?action=scripts_Main&event=211 (A.R.C.C. » TESTS » Bepock » UserGuide » NewEvent »  Nouvel event )
*<nowiki>[link]#A B Cl[/link] ⇒ displays the </nowiki>'''text'''<nowiki> (not a link) http://app.ryzom.com/app_arcc/index.php?action=mScript_Edit&script=2124&select=A+B+C</nowiki>
*[link]GrimSon[/link] &rArr; http://app.ryzom.com/app_arcc/index.php?action=script_Edit&event=211&script=1936
:http://app.ryzom.com/app_arcc/index.php?action=script_Edit&script=1936&version=0 (A.R.C.C. » TESTS » Bepock » UserGuide » NewEvent » NewEvent »  GrimSon)
*[link]#weGPlayerInfos_BBCodeTest[/link] &rArr; http://app.ryzom.com/app_arcc/index.php?action=script_Edit&script=2088&select=weGPlayerInfos_BBCodeTest
:http://app.ryzom.com/app_arcc/index.php?message=recipe_updated&action=script_Edit&script=2088&ryform_action=&ryform_name= (
''' ''lua'' ''' passes the ''text'' to the [[Ryzom Lua]] interpreter.
A.R.C.C. » TESTS » Bepock » UserGuide » NewEvent » NewEvent »  BBCODE: stage weGPlayerInfos_BBCodeTest)
*'''text''': Lua script.
<div style="margin:0em; padding:0em;border: none;background:yellow;">
*'''attribute''': None.
*attribut: significatif si texte est nul
''' ''map'' ''' displays a square map of 2000 units around a given point marked by a magenta flag.
*'''text''' : name of a point (for instance city name) or Ryzom coordinates.
*'''attribute''': '' "flags" '' displays with green flags all outposts.
<div style="margin:0em; padding:0em;border: none;background:yellow;">
*attribut: significatif si texte est nul
<div style="overflow: hidden">
[[File:mapLoria.jpeg|200px|thumb|left|Loria map]]
<div style="overflow: hidden">
<div style="margin:0em; padding:0em;border: none;background:yellow;">
[[File:mapPyr.jpeg|200px|thumb|left|Pyr map]]
<nowiki>[map flags=markers]pyr[map]</nowiki>
*attribut: significatif si texte est nul
<div style="margin:0em; padding:0em;border: none;background:yellow;">
''' ''math'' ''' calculates basic calculations.
*'''text''' : a basic calculations with the four arithmetical operators: +, -, *,  /.
*attribut: significatif si texte est nul
*'''attribute''': no significative.
*[math]1+2*3-4/6[/math] = 6.3333333333333
@process randint(0, 100)
*[math=toto][/math] and [math=toto]1+2*3-4/6t[/math] ⇒ no output
*[math][func=round]6.45[/func][/math] = 6
*[math][func=round]6.45[/func]*2[/math] = 12
<div style="margin:0em; padding:0em;border: none;background:yellow;">
*attribut: significatif si texte est nul
<div style="margin:0em; padding:0em;border: none;background:yellow;">
*attribut: significatif si texte est nul
<div style="margin:0em; padding:0em;border: none;background:yellow;">
*attribut: significatif si texte est nul
<div style="margin:0em; padding:0em;border: none;background:yellow;">
*attribut: significatif si texte est nul
<div style="margin:0em; padding:0em;border: none;background:yellow;">
*attribut: significatif si texte est nul
<div style="margin:0em; padding:0em;border: none;background:yellow;">
*attribut: significatif si texte est nul
<div style="margin:0em; padding:0em;border: none;background:yellow;">
*'''text''' :
*attribut: significatif si texte est nul
<div style="margin:0em; padding:0em;border: none;background:yellow;">
*attribut: significatif si texte est nul
<div style="margin:0em; padding:0em;border: none;background:yellow;">
*attribut: significatif si texte est nul
<div style="margin:0em; padding:0em;border: none;background:yellow;">
''' ''playerinfos'' ''' gives some informations concerning the player.
*'''text''': is a "pseudo" array with "|" delimiters. It contains:
*'''text''': (general form: xxx|xxx|xxx) . One of the next keys: 'name', 'fullname', 'id', 'guild', 'guild_id', 'pvp_points', 'money',  'cid', 'gender' or 'api'.
** '''first field''': one of the next keys: 'name', 'fullname', 'id', 'guild', 'guild_id', 'pvp_points', 'money',  'cid', 'gender' or 'api'.
** <small>next fields up to 2: values of that key if needed for api.</small>
** <small>next fields up to 2: values of that key if needed for api.</small>
**beginning with #:
                        if ($attr[0] == "#")
                                $name = ryzom_get_param(substr($attr, 1));
                                $name = $attr;
                        $db = ryDB::getInstance('webig');
                        $player_infos = $db->querySingle('players', array('name' => strtolower($name), 'deleted' => 0, 'shard' => ryzom_get_param('shard', _user()->shardid)));
                        if ($player_infos) {
                                $text = explode('|', $text);
                                switch ($text[0]) {
                                        case 'id':
                                                return $player_infos['id'];
                                        case 'cid':
                                                return $player_infos['cid'];
                                        case 'api':
                                                return ryzom_player_value($player_infos['id'], $text[1], '$text[2]');
** Empty
** Empty
** "#"
** #<name>
** <''name''>
** <name>
====Exemples tested  by Bepock====
*name: [playerinfos]name[/playerinfos] ⇒ Bepock (for instance)
*fullname: [playerinfos]fullname[/playerinfos] ⇒ fullname: Bepock(Atys)
*id: [playerinfos]id[/playerinfos] ⇒ 19089
*guild: [playerinfos]guild[/playerinfos] ⇒ Animation
*guild_id: [playerinfos]guild_id[/playerinfos] ⇒ 105906345
*money: [lua][playerinfos]money[/playerinfos][/lua]
*cid: [playerinfos]cid[/playerinfos] ⇒ 9765472
*gender: [playerinfos]gender[/playerinfos] ⇒ 1 (male)
<div style="margin:0em; padding:0em;border: none;background:yellow;">
*'''text''': (general form xxx|xxx|xxx)
*attribut: significatif si texte est nul
*'''attribute''': None.
<div style="margin:0em; padding:0em;border: none;background:yellow;">
*attribut: significatif si texte est nul
*'''attribute''': None.
<div style="margin:0em; padding:0em;border: none;background:yellow;">
*attribut: significatif si texte est nul
<div style="margin:0em; padding:0em;border: none;background:yellow;">
''' ''scriptinfos'' ''' displays the translations associated to a keyword if it exist in the language of the user (See also the "[[ARCC traductions EN|trad tool]]" of ARK).
*'''text''': (general form xxx|xxx|xxx)
*attribut: significatif si texte est nul
*'''attribute''': None.
<div style="margin:0em; padding:0em;border: none;background:yellow;">
''' ''scripturl'' ''' cats action, action number and extension to be send to the server.
*attribut: significatif si texte est nul
*'''text''': add a PHP extension to the URL gift in the attribute.
** Nothing: current action number of the script.
** Otherwise: first letter of the letter field if not "space". In that case add a "+".
Launched from script 2088:
:[scripturl]ryform_action=edit&ryform_name=stages%3A0[/scripturl] donne:
<div style="margin:0em; padding:0em;border: none;background:yellow;">
*attribut: significatif si texte est nul
''' ''session'' ''' is the simplest way to memorize data during the session, i.e. the connection. It offers also quicker answer, because it is a temporary memory not stored in the DB server.
<small>It can be use also in some condition as a temporary array, when each ''Rows'' are named, because that is the internal behaviour of ''Session''.</small>
*'''text''': depends of the attribute.
** <empty> : ''text'' is the ''raw name'' of ''Session''.
** any ''raw name'' : save the ''text'' in the temporary memory of ''Session''.
*Putting a value:
**[session=Name_1]Name one[/session]
<div style="margin:0em; padding:0em;border: none;background:yellow;">
**[session=Name_2]&rArr;Name two&lArr;[/session]
*Getting the value stored in the session (connection)
**Name_1 = [session]Name_1[/session] displays : "Name one"
**Name_2 = [session]Name_2[/session] displays : "&rArr;Name two&lArr;"
''' ''t'' ''' displays the translations associated to a keyword if it exist in the language of the user (See also the "[[ARCC traductions EN|trad tool]]" of ARK).
*'''text''': (general form xxx|xxx|xxx)
*attribut: significatif si texte est nul
*'''attribute''': None.
*[t]yes[/t] ⇒ gives for French user "Oui"
*[t]text[/t] ⇒ gives for French user "Texte"
But, because keyword is case sensitive:
*[t]Yes[/t] ⇒ gives {Yes}
*[t]Text[/t] ⇒  gives {Text}
<tr style="background-image:url(http://dl.dropbox.com/u/17987525/webig/inner1.png)">
<td> </td>
''' ''timer'' ''' displays time in format "hh:mm:ss".  
<td><img src="http://arcc-ryzom.rhcloud.com/images/prerite/m0385ccmcb01.sitem.png"/></td><td>Alpha :</td><td>([db=TestDB]0:0[/db]+2000)/4000</td><td><img src="http://app.ryzom.com/app_arcc/scripts/events/event_temple/progress_bar.php?value=[db=TestDB]1:0[/db]&value_max=4000+40&rand=[func]now[/func]" /></td></tr>
*See also ''[[#date|date]]''.
*'''text''': If empty or zero or "now()" gives the actual time in ''days_of_the_current_year'':''GMT_hour'':''minutes'':''seconds''.
:otherwise, treats the value in the text as number of seconds, and display the equivalent "hour'':''minutes'':''seconds''.
*'''attribute''': None.
*[timer][/timer] or [timer]now()[/timer] or [timer]0[/timer] ⇒ 296:13:05:18
*[timer]60[/timer] ⇒ 00:01:00
*[timer]3600[/timer] ⇒ 01:00:00
<tr style="background-image:url(http://dl.dropbox.com/u/17987525/webig/inner1.png)">
<td> </td>
''' ''trad'' ''' displays one of the translations associated to a keyword if it exist in the language of the user (See also the "[[ARCC traductions EN|trad tool]]" of ARK).
<td><img src="http://arcc-ryzom.rhcloud.com/images/prerite/m0655chsca01.sitem.png" /></td><td>Beta :</td><td> [db=TestDB]1:0[/db]/4000+60</td><td><img src="http://app.ryzom.com/app_arcc/scripts/events/event_temple/progress_bar.php?value=[db=TestDB]4:0[/db]&value_max=4000&rand=[func]now[/func]" /></td></tr>
*'''text''': (general form: xxx|xxx|xxx, and internal xxx_xxx_xxx).
*'''attribute''': sens if text empty
*<nowiki>[trad]Hello[/trad] ⇒ displays the local translation</nowiki>
*<nowiki>[trad=Hello][/trad] ⇒ displays the local translation</nowiki>
<tr style="background-image:url(http://dl.dropbox.com/u/17987525/webig/inner1.png)">
<td> </td>
''' ''url'' ''' is the standard way to pass an URL. That URL visually  is formatted as usual in Ryzom.
<td><img src="http://arcc-ryzom.rhcloud.com/images/prerite/m0685ccpca01.sitem.png" /></td><td>Gamma :</td><td> [db=TestDB]2:0[/db]/4000</td><td><img src="http://app.ryzom.com/app_arcc/scripts/events/event_temple/progress_bar.php?value=[db=TestDB]2:0[/db]&value_max=4000&rand=[func]now[/func]" /></td></tr>
*'''text''' : URL or text to display
**if text=<empty>: URL;
**else, text to be displayed: name, description... of the URL.
*<nowiki>[url=http://forge.ryzom.com/wiki/ARCC_Expert_EN]The ARCC[/url]</nowiki>
''' ''validate'' ''' returns a link of the actual stage in the script.
*'''text''': name of the link
''We assume that the number of the script is 2124.''
<tr style="background-image:url(http://dl.dropbox.com/u/17987525/webig/inner1.png)">
<nowiki>[validate]==validate==[/validate] ⇒ displays a link with the name "==validate==" to the URL http://app.ryzom.com/app_arcc/index.php?action=mScript_Edit&script=2124&command_13=validate</nowiki>
<td> </td>
<td><img src="http://arcc-ryzom.rhcloud.com/images/prerite/m0559ccncb01.sitem.png" /></td><td>Delta :</td><td> [db=TestDB]3:0[/db]/4000</td><td><img src="http://app.ryzom.com/app_arcc/scripts/events/event_temple/progress_bar.php?value=[db=TestDB]3:0[/db]&value_max=4000&rand=[func]now[/func]" /></td></tr>
[*]rand %:[func=rand]0|100[/func]
[*]session DATE:[session=DATE][func]now[/func][/session]
[*]session DATE:[session=DATE][func]now[/func][/session]
[*]1 [date shard=atys][/date]
[*]2 [date=atys][/date]
[*]3 [date shard][/date]
[*]4 [date][/date]
[*]5 [date]1407426669[/date]
[*]6 [time][session]DATE[/session][/time]
[*]Samedi 8 Novembre 12:00:00 UTC (dans 3 mois)
[*]17h - Tria, Pluvia 15, 3e CA 2580
[*][time]2014-11-08 12:00[/time]
[*]1:[date shard=atys]2014-11-08 12:00[/date]
[*]2:[date=atys]2014-11-08 12:00[/date]
[*]3:[date shard]2014-11-08 12:00[/date]
[*]4:[date]2014-11-08 12:00[/date]
[*]1:[date shard=atys]2014-11-08 12:00[/date]
[*]2:[date=atys]2014-11-08 12:00[/date]
[*]3:[date shard]2014-11-08 12:00[/date]
[*]4:[date]2014-11-08 12:00[/date]
[*]1:[shard=atys]2014-11-08 12:00[/shard]
[*]3:[shard]2014-11-08 12:00[/shard]
[*]4:[date]2014-11-08 12:00[/date]
[*]1:[date shard=atys=2014-11-08 12:00][/date]
[*]2:[date=atys=2014-11-08 12:00][/date]
[*]3:[date shard=2014-11-08 12:00][/date]
[*]4:[date=2014-11-08 12:00][/date]
liste des item .ps et .sitem?
players dans les db permet de différencier et mémoriser chaque players !
il doir en etre de meme pour guilde etc...
<div style="margin:0em; padding:0em;border: none;background:yellow;">
*attribut: significatif si texte est nul
==Autre soutils de l'ARCC==
==Autre soutils de l'ARCC==
*[[ARCC traductions EN|Traduction automatique]]
*[[ARCC traductions EN|Traduction automatique]]
'''[[ARCC Guide EN|←ARCC Guide EN]]'''

Latest revision as of 10:33, 14 June 2018


Please use the migrated document at URL shown below.

Migrated to en:ARK, expert at 2018-06-14

DeutschEnglishEspañolFrançaisРусский105 EN pages.

Übersetzung , bitte.


To check the quality of the text itself


Traducción, por favor.


À corriger par rapport à l'anglais. Attendre qu'il n'y ait plus de "WIP" (marques jaunes)


перевод, пожалуйста.

User guide for Ark, short for Ryzom Arkitect.

For historical reasons, those manuals refers very often, almost always, to A.R.C.C.. This is due to the fact that the full documentation has been started with the initial name, ARCC, meaning Advanced Ryzom Content Creator.


Ryzom specific BBCODE





date displays date in "human". See also time.


otherwise, seconds to add to 1970-01-01 00:00.



db store or read a value in a DB. DB is of different kind of rows sets. For instance, "player" DB will memorize the name of the player in column 0; ARCC DB, will memorize an internal number,... Columns can be named, otherwise they are referred by the sequential numeration 0 to n


A cell is defined as: line:scope where:
  1. line is a specific kind of data.
  2. scope is associated to the characteristics of the players who are:
    1. player (by default and equivalent to '0' )
    2. guild
    3. arcc
    4. civ
    5. cult
    6. org
    7. race



div is the equivalent of the HTML bloc <div>. That container can divide the page in sections containing the style and other attributes of a HTML bloc.









func allow the execution of some functions known in Ryzom.




gender returns a text according to the gender.



We assume that the player is male.





Empty function!


if displays a text if attribute is OK



ifnot displays a text if attribute is NOT OK



img displays an image. Something is wrong because, I (Bepock) obtain always a " title="" /> after the image. Use [imgurl] instead: it works fine.




emotion_happy.png " title="" />


imgurl displays an image linking to an URL.






itemicon displays a thumbnail of an item.



An anexistant or erroneous file such [itemicon]NoExist[/itemicon] displays : c37962969910e09734d859a89e32085c.png


link builds a internal link.



We assume that the number of the script is 2124.


lua passes the text to the Ryzom Lua interpreter.



map displays a square map of 2000 units around a given point marked by a magenta flag.



Loria map


Pyr map

[map flags=markers]pyr[map]


math calculates basic calculations.










playerinfos gives some informations concerning the player.


Exemples tested by Bepock








scriptinfos displays the translations associated to a keyword if it exist in the language of the user (See also the "trad tool" of ARK).




scripturl cats action, action number and extension to be send to the server.



Launched from script 2088:

[scripturl]ryform_action=edit&ryform_name=stages%3A0[/scripturl] donne:


session is the simplest way to memorize data during the session, i.e. the connection. It offers also quicker answer, because it is a temporary memory not stored in the DB server.

It can be use also in some condition as a temporary array, when each Rows are named, because that is the internal behaviour of Session.




t displays the translations associated to a keyword if it exist in the language of the user (See also the "trad tool" of ARK).



But, because keyword is case sensitive:


timer displays time in format "hh:mm:ss".


otherwise, treats the value in the text as number of seconds, and display the equivalent "hour:minutes:seconds.



trad displays one of the translations associated to a keyword if it exist in the language of the user (See also the "trad tool" of ARK).




url is the standard way to pass an URL. That URL visually is formatted as usual in Ryzom.




validate returns a link of the actual stage in the script.



We assume that the number of the script is 2124.

[validate]==validate==[/validate] ⇒ displays a link with the name "==validate==" to the URL http://app.ryzom.com/app_arcc/index.php?action=mScript_Edit&script=2124&command_13=validate

Autre soutils de l'ARCC

←ARCC Guide EN

63 pages in ARCC

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