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User manual for A.R.C.C.
This guide aims at explaining how to use A.R.C.C., the Advanced Ryzom Content Creator.
A.R.C.C. is a tool that allows to create scripts that will be interpreted by a web server and will interact with Ryzom's server.
In the top left corner, flags allow to choose the language of the interface (current screenshots show French vue - to be changed whenever someone has time to do it).
This login window is the same everywhere in Ryzom.
You'll have to fill the first field with your Character (PC) name. Beware, for animation team, it's the name of their animation toon, and not the one of the characters they could have created in the game (they are allowed 5 PC in game, as any player).
Folders and events
As soon as login on, use finds a page offering access to various parts of the ARCC.
The ARCC appears like an ensemble of events gathered in folders.
Each folder may contain events or folders, which can produce a tree view more or less complex.
- Zone 1 allows you to navigate in this tree view.
The root appears as a small «house» icon. The «house» is the first folder, the one that contins all other elements, events and folders.
Generally, folders are represented with classical icons for folders (the last two ones in the example shown here above). Some important folders are bestowed a specific icon.
Events are represented with the icon shown on the left.
- Zone 2 allows to create a new folder or a new event.
- The first field will contain the name of the object, preferably in English for common data, and preferably without accented or specific characters (â, ñ, ß...)
- The second fied is a list of values:
- Default value is Folder.
- Second choice, when reading down the list, is Event.
- The third and last field, add, is actually a button. Click on it to start the creation of the object. Notice that hitting the <Enter> key is equivalent to clicking the add button.
- Zone 3 contains the objects, folders or events, which have already been created in Zone 1 (here «house»).
Navigation successive windows
This zone 3 allows to navigate through the tree view.
In the following example, the «TESTS» folders contains the «bepock» folder which, in turn, containts the «test» folder. This one contains one event («Event0») which consists of several scripts. The event is a «sheet» of the tree view browsed during the navigation.
The event window allow to manage the internal scripts and databases of this event.
It is divided into five zones.
Navigation bar (Zone 1)
Zone 1 shows the place of the event in the folders tree view.
Eack clickable link allows to go to the intended folder.
Creation field (Zone 2)
Zone 2 allows to create a new script or a new database.
- The first field will contain the name of the object, preferably in English for common data, and preferably without accented or specific characters (â, ñ, ß...).
- The second fied is a list of values:
- Default value is Script.
- Second choice, when reading down the list, is Database.
- The third and last field, add, is actually a button. Click on it to start the creation of the object. Notice that hitting the <Enter> key is equivalent to clicking the add button.
Tools (Zone 3)
Zone 3 contains two tools:
Parameters of the event
Automated translations
Scripts (Zone 4)
Zone 4 contains the scripts created in the event shown in zone 1 (here «New Event»).
The bottom part contains the meaning of the colored bullets appended to the scripts.
The middle part contains the list of the scripts associated to the event.
To each script is associated an ensemble of indicators and actions, listed here bellow as they appear from left to right. (to be checked with the English version of the screenshots)
A simple script
A linked script, meaning assigned to a NPC
- Script status, shown as a colored bullet, which meaning appears in the bottom part of the window.
- Name of the script. Clicking on the name of the script allows to see and update the content, accordingly to the users rights.
- Name of the author who created the script.
- Possible actions on the scripts.
Databases (Zone 5)
Zone 5 shows the list of the databases of the event.
To create a script, it is only required to give an name in the text field of Zone 2 of the Event page, and to hit <enter> or to click on the «add» button.
Creating the script will open the following window, made op five zones.
- Zone 1 shows the place of the event in the folders tree view down to the event which contains the current scripts.
Eack clickable link allows to go to the intended folder.
- Zone 2 allows to test the script.
- Zone 3 allows to manage the source code and the history of updates.
- Zone 4 shows additional information about the running of the script.
- Zone 5 manages the actual creation of the script.
The quickest and least wearying method to create a script is to copy it from another one ressembling to what we want to produce. This method is very useful to create quickly a script that looks like another one, but you'll have to learn how to modify it sooner or later... otherwise, of which use would it be to have two script identical except for their names? That will be explaned in part II of the this user guide for ARCC.
Start with creating a new script with the default values.
- 1) Write the name of the new script («script1» in this example);
- 2) Check that it is indeed a script (default value);
- 3) Click on «add» or hit <enter>.
- 4) and 5) The new script has been added to the list.
- 6) As an example, let's imagine that we want to copy «Script2» into «Script1».
Open the script you want to copy.
It is only needed to click on the «Script2» link, in the example, which opens the script window.
What appears isn't best fitted for a copy/paste.
- 7) Click on «View Source Code» to show the source code.
It's better but...
- 8) Click on «Base64» to get a compact display of the generated code.
The display is the one of a file that can easily been copied (ASCII printables characters). To copy, just save it in the clipboard by any method, for example: click on the text (to place the focus), then hit <Ctrl>+A, <Ctrl>+C on Windows and most of the Unices (Unix, Linux, BSD, Androïd...). Beware! If you don't click on the text, you're at risk of saving the whole window with its icons... wich isn't much useful. Replace <Ctrl> with <Apple'>' on Mac.
- 9) Once the copy done, click on the path to find the script newly created («Script1» stored in «Event0» in our example)
Fill the new script.
Replay sequences 6 to 8 with «Script1»
- 6) open the script
- 7) show the source
- 8) show the source in Base64
Then, click in the already existing text (to place the focus) and select it all (for example: by hitting <Ctrl>+A on Windows and Unices) to replace it with the text saved in the clipboard (for example, by hitting <Ctrl>+V). Once the text has been replaced, save it:
- 10) Save your work by clickin the Submit button.
«Script1» is now a copy of «Script2».