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Download NeL plugins

You can find all necessary files for Windows here:

Install NeL Plugins for 3DS Max


By default the root directory is: C:\Program Files (x86)\Autodesk\3ds Max (version number)

Export your model



Export a skeleton

Export an animation


Material support

How to use lightmaps



How to use color vertex

How to use alpha vertex

How to use multitexture

How to use specular texture

See the sample "specular.max"

How to manage multiple textures set for a single material

When selecting a map, you can choose bitmap as a map type, but you can also select Nel Multi Bitmap. With a NeL multi bitmap, you can have 4 sets of maps for a single material. The 'bitmap' slot of the map isn't used anymore, it is just useful to select the currently displayed map. The 4 slots are in the 'Aditionnals bitmap' rollout. If the file name is left blank, that means that there's no map assigned for that slot. The 'Get' button allows you to choose the bitmap, and a 'View' button allows to display it

You can convert all maps in an object to 'Nel Multi Bitmap' maps by using macro script called 'ConvertMaxBitmapToNelBitmapMacroScript' It operates on the selection, and can convert materials that are either StdMat, NelMaterial, or MultiMaterial.

Once you start using Nel MultiBitmaps, you can toggle which bitmap is displayed in the viewport by using the macro scripts called SelectNelBitmapSet1..4. Sometimes you may need to refresh the display to get it work.. If a slot hasn't been defined, the first slot is taken as a default.

Note : you can also change the displayed set of texture in the object viewer, in the 'View' menu.

How to use Per-Pixel-Lighting ?

Per pixel lighting i available on GeForce 3 (and above) only for now. On other boards, gouraud shading is used instead. It is based on the blinn model. No bump is applied. Only the nearest light is rendered using p.p.l. Others are rendered using gouraud shading. (to keep single pass rendering). For now, only per instance attenuation is done.

REQUIRED: You model must have one, and only one stage of texture used (but is can use several textures) A continous mapping is needed to applied per pixel lighting techniques.

YOU CAN'T: - You can't use a mesh vertex program when this shader is used. - You can't mix shader that use a vertex program in a single model.

HOW-TO - Create a NeL Material - Select the per pixel lighting shader (with or without specular) - Apply it to your model. - Apply a mapping and a texture to your model

NeL water material

How to create nel water in Max

NeL support a form of water that can be edited in 3DS Max.

- Create a convex polygon (with z = 0 in object space) for each area of water - Apply a NeL material to this shape - Select water material

For now, full water display is only supported on GeForce 3 (though, it will run with older cards, but will look a lot less nice :( )

The following max map are used to create the water (their name may be misleading, but not all the water maps have an equivalent in max)

- Texture 1 : an environment map that is reflected by water. Basically,

 it is obtained by rendering the top hemisphere of the skydome.

- Texture 2 : May be used to set an alternate texture for the env map. - Texture 3 : the same than Texture 1, but for underwater - Texture 4 : the same than Texture 2, but for underwater - Texture 5 : here, you select a heightmap that is used to deform the envmap of the water. (the bumpmap is build from the heightmap) - Texture 6 : The same as the Texture 5, but it is used to deform the previous bumpmap (water animation) - Texture 7 : its alpha and colors are used to modulate the final color and alpha of the water

 It is then possible to blend between these 2 map for night / day transition (with the night / day dialog in the object viewer)

Texture coordinates apply only to the diffuse map. This texture may have any orientation provided this orientation is the same over the whole polygon

For the bump map, you can't specify orientation but only speed and scale (in the NeL material)

IMPORTANT: vertices between various water area should be EXACTLY welded, otherwise (big..) holes may result during the rendering.

Skinning support

-> No support for standard Skin plugin

Skeletons supported:

* Bones
* Objects (like boxes)
* Biped
* Try other objects !

Animation support

Only those values are animated in the NeL engine:

* Position
* Rotation
* Scale (in local basis only)
* Ambiant color
* Diffuse color
* Specular color
* Self illumination color (not with the factor but with the color)
* Opacity

Only those controlers are fully supported:

* Linear float 
* Linear point3
* Linear rotation
* Linear scale
* Bezier float
* Bezier position
* Bezier rotation
* Bezier point3
* Bezier scale
* TCB float
* TCB position
* TCB rotation
* TCB point3
* TCB scale

'Watch out:' the Bezier color controler is not supported! Use a point3 interpolation instead.

* Smooth
* Linear
* Step
* Fast
* Slow
* User
* Constant
* Cycle
* Loop

This loop mode must be the same before and after the range. (Same mode for IN and OUT).

Light support

* Global ambiant light
* Omni
* Spot (free or target)
* Direct (free or target)
* Color
* Use diffuse
* Use specular
* Ambiant only
* Multiplier (pseudo)
* Spot Hotspot (pseudo) (directionnal hotspot is not used)
* Spot Fallof (pseudo) (directionnal fallof is not used)
* Far attenuation begin (if the begin attenuation is not 0.f, the far attenuation will be very bad)
* Far attenuation end (pseudo)
* Omni and spot light only
* Attenuation far
* Exclude mesh from light
* Cast Shadow on light and cast/receive in object properties
* Spot texture projector
* Ambient only
* Multiply factor
* Double sided
* Opacity in texture
* Stained glass in texture through NeL material
* Vertex color
* Auto Animated light groups (Color channel with a Point3 controller)
* Lumel size defined
* Oversampling
* Multiple lightmap animatable for one mesh (up to 8)
* Colored lightmap intensity variation
* Directionnal light
* Attenuation near
* Scalable attenuation size
* Projector rectangle

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