Navigation bar issue

Hi, zorro say me to talk here, there is a little issue with the navigation bar: When you approche from the bottom, the sub menu can take the focus too early and immediatly disapears. I have found that changing the css for "#gumax-nav ul" by raising the top value from 27px to 32px seem to work. (with that the sub menu appear entirely under the menu and not a little above it.


Thanks for the notice!
I've been wondering where that issue came from for over 2 years now :p Well, changing the top value definiteley improves things! It is still buggy due to different box models of the browser (either including or excluding borders) but the margin of error should now be minimized.
--SirCotare (talk) 00:24, 28 August 2014 (CEST)



I discovered that you uploaded races emblems such as Tryker emblem.png.

For another part I discovered Atys:Category:Faction icons.

Now, I am trying to make a Portal for Marauders, Rangers ans Trytonist. My question is: are they so beautiful images as I show in Atys:Category:Tryker lore for those news factions? If not, who can do it? I can, but surely not so well done.

-- Zo'ro-Argh Woren Siloy 10:27, 12 September 2014 (CEST)

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