You are on EN page meaning that
the page you requested is not translated into English or is not referenced in the current tab.
Our system is not like big wikis with thousands of pages, and possibly many languages. One database is enough to contain "Ryzom Forge", so the translation system is "light", but nevertheless requires some operations.
To make a translation, follow these steps:
- In the search field, top right, write the title it seems to translate the original one. For example, "Main Page" has been translated as "Accueil" ("Home, Welcome" in French). Alternatively, you can also write "EN_original_Tiltle". There is a only one constraint: do not fall on an existing article and with other content in it, which will be shown immediately if you launch the search command and if there is a result.
- If there is no page with the title you have chosen, click on the title you have selected in the message that is in red in the first line of the "Search results" page: "Create the page "Your_Title" on this wiki!"
- Copy the new page in Spanish Spanish adapted to this line:
- Save immediately the page that only has this line.
- Open the newly saved page: it shall have the required skeleton to get your work .