
What to check and to ask when a player has a problem

Error 126 on an ATI/AMD card

If a player with an ATI/AMD card has an error 126 when launching Ryzom or Configuration (it should only display the splash screen and then the error in a dialog), you need to go to C:\Windows\System32 and copy atio6axx.dll to atiogl64.dll After this change, Ryzom should launch :)

Location of default files under all platforms

 * C:\Users\<login>\AppData\Local\Ryzom
 * C:\Users\<login>\AppData\Roaming\Ryzom
 * HOME/.local/share/Ryzom (both profiles (0, 1, 2, etc…) and servers (ryzom_live, ryzom_dev, etc…) are in the same directory)
 * HOME/Library/Application Support/Ryzom (both profiles (0, 1, 2, etc…) and servers (ryzom_live, ryzom_dev, etc…) are in the same directory)

Error 307

It’s a problem with Sourceforge.

First you need to close Ryzom Installer.

To fix that you can manually download the required files :

Data are always required and you need to download the right client.

Then you move all these 7z files in :

And relaunch Ryzom Installer, it should detect files and uncompress them :)

Player can't start client because to a wrong DLL

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