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Installing the shard

The shard means an instance of the game server based on the Ryzom Core system. This tutorial was compiled from notes from RC wiki ((for info : [ryzomcore originale])).

The installation of the shard is under Linux, with dedicated user, which we call here "compil" and windows:

 adduser compil
 adduser compil sudo
 su - compil

Installation packages and sources

Tests were made on:

  Ubuntu 15.04
  Debian 7
  Debian 8
  Windows (tuto not finish)

Last days of information and packages for linux:

 sudo apt-get update
 sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

=> Install packages:

 apt-get install apache2 php5 mysql-server libapache2-mod-php5 php5-mysql apache2-utils php5-gd php5-imagick


 sudo apt-get install git libcurl4-openssl-dev libluabind-dev libfreetype6-dev libx11-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libxxf86vm-dev libxrandr-dev libxrender-dev libopenal-dev libogg-dev libvorbis-dev libxml2-dev cmake build-essential libpng12-dev libjpeg62-dev rrdtool libmysqlclient18-dev bison libxmu-dev autoconf automake libcpptest-dev libgif-dev cpputest libssl-dev

Debian 7

 sudo apt-get install git libcurl4-openssl-dev libluabind-dev libfreetype6-dev libx11-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libxxf86vm-dev libxrandr-dev libxrender-dev libopenal-dev libogg-dev libvorbis-dev libxml2-dev cmake build-essential libpng12-dev libjpeg62-dev rrdtool bison libxmu-dev autoconf automake libmysqlclient-dev libgif-dev libgif-dev cpputest libssl-dev

Debian 8

 sudo apt-get install git libcurl4-openssl-dev libluabind-dev libfreetype6-dev libx11-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libxxf86vm-dev libxrandr-dev libxrender-dev libopenal-dev libogg-dev libvorbis-dev libxml2-dev cmake build-essential libpng12-dev libjpeg62-turbo-dev rrdtool bison libxmu-dev autoconf automake libmysqlclient-dev libgif-dev libgif-dev cpputest libssl-dev liblzma-dev

Install Squish

 wget -c
 cd squish-1.11

In « alpha.cpp » (line 24) and « singlecolourfit.cpp » (line 26), add :

 #include <limits.h>

And compile:

 sudo make install

For Windows :

Install in order DirectX SDK and Visual C ++

 Installer le DirectX SDK
 Installer le Visual c++ 2010
 Tortoise Git
 Qt 4.8.6 pour VC++ 2010

Ryzom download source code and data:

 hg clone
 cd ryzomcore
 hg checkout develop
 hg clone

Missing files :

 sudo apt_get install git
 git clone

For windows  : Download

 +-- code
   |   |
   |   +-- nel
   |   |
   |   +-- ryzom
   |   |
   |   +-- ...
   +-- external

Build Ryzom OpenShard serveur

create a file with variables for linux

For a script :

 nano /home/compil/.bashrc
 export RYHOME=/home/compil/ryzomcore/code
 export RYZOM_PATH=/home/compil/ryzomcore/code/ryzom
 export PATH=$PATH:/home/compil/ryzomcore/code/ryzom/tools/scripts/linux
 export RYDATA=/home/compil/ryzomcore-data

The configuration option to build only nel & server (In static: if CMakeOptions)

For linux :

 mkdir $RYHOME/build && cd $RYHOME/build

For windows :

  Create a "build" directory to the "code"

CMake line to launch in build:


For Windows :

 Start Cmake :
 Code source : C:/ryzomcore/code
 Build binaires : C:/ryzomcore/code/build
 Configure pour visual c++ 2010
 Change options

Build and install

For linux :

 make -jX  
 sudo make install 

For Windows :

 Start C:\ryzomcore\code\build\RyzomCore.sln that was generated
by choosing Visual C++ press  F7 pour compile

Symlinks for the system to see the data

 ln -s $RYDATA/collisions $RYZOM_PATH/server/
 ln -s $RYDATA/leveldesign $RYZOM_PATH/server/
 ln -s $RYDATA/primitives $RYZOM_PATH/server/
 ln -s $RYDATA/translation $RYZOM_PATH/server/

Recompile data datasheets

Compile sheet_id.bin

 cd $RYHOME/build/bin
 ./make_sheet_id -o$RYDATAleveldesign/game_elem/sheet_id.bin $RYDATA/leveldesign/game_elem $RYDATA/leveldesign/game_element $RYDATA/leveldesign/world $RYDATA/leveldesign/ecosystems $RYDATA/sound


First, verify that the paths to the directory containing the datasheets ( leveldesign ) primitives ( primitive ) and common files to the server and the client ( common ) are good in the configuration file:

 cd $RYHOME/build/bin
 cp sheets_packer $RYZOM_PATH/tools/sheets_packer/
 cd $RYZOM_PATH/tools/sheets_packer
 nano sheets_packer.cfg

current state of our sheets_packer.cfg file

 DataPath = { "../../common/data_leveldesign", "../../common/data_common", "../../client/data", "../../../../../ryzomcore-data/common", "../../../../../ryzomcore-data/leveldesign", "../../../../..ryzomcore-data/primitives" };
 WorldSheet = "";
 PrimitivesPath = "../../../../../ryzomcore-data/primitives";
 OutputDataPath = "../../client/data";
 LigoPrimitiveClass = "world_editor_classes.xml";

Then we can start the sheets_packer, staying in the directory where it was because .cfg file paths are relative:


Finally, copy in its place

 cp $RYZOM_PATH/common/data_common/

Add missing languages

 for var in $RYDATA/translation/translated/*_en.txt; do  nomfic=${var##*/}; ln -s $nomfic ${var%/*}/${nomfic/_en/_fr}; done
 for var in $RYDATA/translation/translated/*_en.txt; do  nomfic=${var##*/}; ln -s $nomfic ${var%/*}/${nomfic/_en/_de}; done
 for var in $RYDATA/translation/translated/*_en.txt; do  nomfic=${var##*/}; ln -s $nomfic ${var%/*}/${nomfic/_en/_es}; done
 for var in $RYDATA/translation/translated/*_wk.txt; do  nomfic=${var##*/}; ln -s $nomfic ${var%/*}/${nomfic/_wk/_ru}; done

Configure serveur

 nano $RYZOM_PATH/server/frontend_service.cfg

Edit different files to find the server configuration: FSListenHost = "your.server.ip.adress";

 nano $RYZOM_PATH/server/sql.cfg

To edit depending on your configuration:

 DBHost = "";
 DBRingName = "ring_mini01";

eave localhost. Create a "nel" user has the rights to its database, and a "ring" user, each with its password. Fill $ RYZOM_PATH / server / sql.cfg with this information.


Install paquets web server

 apt-get install mysql-server apache2 php5 php5-mysql php5-gd rrdtool screen mcrypt php5-mcrypt
 apt-get install phpmyadmin
 adduser compil www-data

Create a "ryzomweb" folder and copy it:

 cp -r $RYHOME/web ryzomweb
 chmod -R a+w ryzomweb
 sudo chown -R www-data:www-data ryzomweb

Configuring Apache 2 Web Server and MySQL Database

 nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf
 <VirtualHost *:80>
 <Directory "/home/compil/ryzomweb/">
       Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
       AllowOverride None
       Require all granted
       DirectoryIndex index.php
       AddType text/html .php .phps
       AddHandler application/x-httpd-php .php
       AddHandler application/x-httpd-php-source .phps
       ServerName votreadresss.ip
       ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
       DocumentRoot /home/compil/ryzomweb/public_php/
       ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log
       CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined
 <VirtualHost *:40916>
 <Directory "/home/compil/ryzomweb/">
       Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
       AllowOverride None
       Require all granted
       ServerName votreadress.ip
       ServerAdmin admin@localhost
       DocumentRoot /home/compil/ryzomweb/public_php
       ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log
       CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined

Open port 40916

 nano /etc/apache2/ports.conf

Add :

 Listen 40916

Restart the service Apache

 service apache2 restart

Install web-admin

Go to : http://VOTRE_ADRESSE_IP/setup

Follow the instructions.

If you want to manage your MySQL database, go to:  http://VOTRE_ADRESSE_IP/phpmyadmin

To help you fill it:

Installer le patch (optionnelle)

Installing Patches Server is explained in detail on a dedicated page :

Start the Shard

 shard start
 ctrl + a + n (or ctrl + a + the number of the service) allows navigate between services
 Ctrl + a + d let out of screen 
 Shard join venture to reach a lit shard
 shard share allows to reach a shard lit several
 shard stop

Check that all works without customer

 yourlogin = your user
pwd = your passwords

Reference :


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