"Ryzom Installer" is a new tool to handle the migration from 2.1 to 3.0. It has been created because 2.1 client doesn't support all platforms (it only supports Windows 32 bits) and it is installed in a "wrong" location (a MMORPG shouldn't be installed in C:\Program Files because this directory is not writable by a normal user and requires Administrator permissions).
It’s called "Installer" because it can be used to install Ryzom from scratch and download required data.
The first time a player on version 2.1 client launches the game, it’s the Installer that launches instead of client. It detects it must migrate current data and copies them to a new location (where user can write). After the migration, it displays a simple dialog with the choice of a "profile" (a default one is created during migration) and allows to click on Play or Configure.
Once everything is done, the player is able to launch Ryzom as usual clicking on an icon or using the Installer.
Each user choice is saved in a configuration file named ryzom_installer.ini. You can open https://bitbucket.org/ryzom/ryzomcore/src/05465687c514be172eadb4d39d670714219d4558/code/ryzom/tools/client/ryzom_installer/res/ryzom_installer.ini?at=compatibility-develop&fileviewer=file-view-default with your browser to see its default content. This file is integrated into Ryzom Installer binary and is copied in C:\Users\<your name>\AppData\Local\Ryzom even if you chose a different location during migration.
After the default profile is created (at the end of the migration), its content should be like that :
version=3 [common] language=fr source_directory= installation_directory=C:/Users/Kervala/AppData/Local/Ryzom use_64bits_client=true should_uninstall_old_client=true installer_filename_windows=ryzom_installer_qt_r.exe installer_filename_osx=RyzomInstaller.app/Contents/MacOS/RyzomInstaller installer_filename_linux=ryzom_installer_qt [product] name=Ryzom publisher="Winch Gate Property Limited" url_about=http://ryzom.com/?lang=$LANG url_help=http://app.ryzom.com/app_forum/index.php?page=topic/view/22047/1&post149889=$LANG#1 comments=Science-fantasy MMORPG [servers] size=1 [server_0] id=ryzom_live name=Atys display_url="http://app.ryzom.com/app_releasenotes/index.php?lang=$LANG" files_list_url="https://sourceforge.net/projects/ryzom/rss?path=/installer" data_download_url="http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/ryzom/installer/ryzom_live_data.7z?r=&ts=$TIMESTAMP" data_download_filename=ryzom_live_data.7z data_compressed_size=1500000000 data_uncompressed_size=7000000000 client_download_url="http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/ryzom/installer/ryzom_live_client_$ARCH.7z?r=&ts=$TIMESTAMP" client_download_filename=ryzom_live_client_$ARCH.7z client_filename_windows=ryzom_client_r.exe client_filename_osx=Ryzom.app/Contents/MacOS/Ryzom client_filename_linux=ryzom_client client_filename_old_windows=client_ryzom_rd.exe configuration_filename_windows=ryzom_configuration_qt_r.exe configuration_filename_osx=Ryzom.app/Contents/MacOS/RyzomConfiguration configuration_filename_linux=ryzom_configuration_qt comments= [profiles] size=1 default=0 [profile_0] id=0 name=Ryzom (Atys) server=ryzom_live executable= arguments= comments=Default profile created by Ryzom Installer desktop_shortcut=true menu_shortcut=true
Linux version of Ryzom Installer is available on http://ryzom.com (just click on Linux logo to download it).
You get a ryzom_installer_linux.tar.bz2 to uncompress, it'll create a ryzom_installer_linux directory with 32 and 64 bits versions of Installer and a ryzom_installer_linux.sh script that'll launch the right Installer depending on your platform.
Choose where you want to install Ryzom data and client (by default in ~/.local/share/Ryzom), wait until it downloaded and uncompress all files.
If you want to use your interfaces, configurations, etc... you just need to copy them to ~/.local/share/Ryzom/0
If you have error 307 message, just download :
You should have "Ryzom Installer" and "Ryzom (Atys)" entries in your applications menu.
If Ryzom doesn't want to start, you may need to install OpenAL on your distribution (you can check that by trying to launch it using command-line).
To start Ryzom (and use your first profile) from command-line, you can use : ~/.local/share/Ryzom/ryzom_live/ryzom_client -p 0
Go in "Add/Remove programs, it should launch Installer in Uninstaller mode and allow to check components you want to uninstall.
If something went wrong, you may need to check these locations :
Ryzom Installer, after installing it, is using 32 bits DLLs in C:\Users\<login>\AppData\Local\Ryzom and Ryzom Installer from C:\Users\<login>\AppData\Local\Ryzom\ryzom_live should be in 64 bits if you chose a 64 bits client. After a patch, client is copying Ryzom Installer from C:\Users\<login>\AppData\Local\Ryzom\ryzom_live to C:\Users\<login>\AppData\Local\Ryzom and then DLLs in C:\Users\<login>\AppData\Local\Ryzom could be incompatible with the copied Ryzom Installer :( The temporary fix is to copy both msvcp100.dll, msvcr100.dll and ryzom_installer_qt_r.exe from C:\Users\<login>\AppData\Local\Ryzom\ryzom_live to C:\Users\<login>\AppData\Local\Ryzom. This will be fixed in next patch.
If Ryzom Installer seems blocked/stalled, it can be because there was a previously version of Ryzom Installer that wasn’t properly uninstalled or if player moved directories and configuration file became invalid. In this case, it’s possible to uninstall it completely by removing whole content of C:\Users\<login>\AppData\Local\Ryzom and C:\Users\<login>\AppData\Roaming\Ryzom but please be sure that player hasn’t files he would like to keep before doing that. In that case, always make a backup.
If players have not enough disk space, it should notify them and they'll have to chose another location.
It means than the downloaded 7z file was incomplete and Ryzom Installer couldn't uncompress it. The best fix is to find the file in C:\Users\<login>\AppData\Local\Ryzom and to change its extension from .7z to .7z.part (just adding a .part). If you restart Ryzom Installer, it should try to resume the file. If it takes too long, you can download it manually (see error 307) and move it to C:\Users\<login>\AppData\Local\Ryzom.
If a player with an ATI/AMD card has an error 126 when launching Ryzom or Configuration (it should only display the splash screen and then the error in a dialog), you need to go to C:\Windows\System32 and copy atio6axx.dll to atiogl64.dll After this change, Ryzom should launch :)
It’s a problem with Sourceforge.
First you need to close Ryzom Installer.
To fix that you can manually download the required files :
Data are always required and you need to download the right client.
Then you move all these 7z files in :
And relaunch Ryzom Installer, it should detect files and uncompress them.
If player used a Direct3D driver with 2.1 client and since client.cfg will be copied, it’ll continue to use D3D. Now that OpenGL is recommended driver for all cards, players could need to switch to it manually clicking on Configure button in Ryzom Installer and select OpenGL (or Auto) instead of Direct3D. If not, he could have texture issues.
The default quality has been improved in v3 clients. By the way, v3 clients use 128 Mo of video memory against 32 Mo for v2's ones.
The textures are sent to the graphic card's memory. If you see them in white or black, it's probably because your graphic card has not got enough memory to stock them. Moreover, if your graphic card does not support the compressed textures, Ryzom detects it and unzips them before to send them.
So in case of white or black graphic issue, please reduce the graphic qualities in Configuration and deactive FXAA (lower graphic quality and no effects), it should help to fix the problem. If it does not work, try to switch from OpenGL to Direct3D. It could fix the texture issue... but you'll see the trees moving, trunk included (know bug: https://bitbucket.org/ryzom/ryzomcore/issues/160/wind-tree-vp-not-working-correcly-under ).
Error is The procedure entry point_except_handler4_common could not be located in the dynamic link library msvcrt.dll, to fix it you need to :
If player manually moves "ryzom_live" folder or another one, Ryzom Installer won't detect it and player will have to edit his ryzom_installer.ini
If German player has an English Windows environment than Ryzom will start in English too, even when the user has chosen a German installation (this only chose the language for the installation process, not the language for the game itself)
Please come on #ryzom on IRC Freenode (direct link: http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=ryzom and someone will help you in direct!
Be sure to have installed https://www.openal.org/downloads/oalinst.zip (under Windows) or OpenAL package for your distribution (libopenal1 under Debian-based ones). OpenAL is always installed under OS X.
In all cases, if you found a bug with Ryzom Installer, you can download and install latest versions from http://ryzom.com and try it. They'll be updated regularly.
You can close Ryzom Installer, Sourceforge should redirect to a best mirror and your download will resume.
It could be related to XAudio2 driver under Windows. You can switch to FMod driver and check if it's better, to do that simply add to your client.cfg :
DriverSound = "FMod";
You should need to uninstall Ryzom Installer and reinstall it or edit ryzom_installer.ini and remove directory on line source_directory=
Download legacy drivers on : http://support.amd.com/fr-fr/download/desktop/legacy?product=legacy2&os=Windows%207%20-%2064
If this case occurs, you should see in client.log :
2016/10/25 03:31:16 INF 2d0 ryzom_client_r.exe driver_opengl_extension.cpp 1589 NL3D::registerGlExtensions : 3D: OpenGL 1.1.0 / Microsoft Corporation / GDI Generic
If player has nel_report_*.log with content :
A failed assertion occurs ProcName: ryzom_client_r.exe Date: 2016/10/30 11:14:29 File: Z:/home/nevrax/ryzomcore/code/nel/include\nel/misc/singleton.h Line: 155 FuncName: NLMISC::CManualSingleton<class NLSOUND::CListenerFMod>::getInstance Reason: "_instance() != NULL" ------------------------------- No log -------------------------------
And last lines in client.log :
2016/10/30 12:59:27 INF 5e8 ryzom_client_r.exe common.cpp 682 NLMISC::Exception::Exception : Exception will be launched: Failed to create the FMod driver object 2016/10/30 12:59:27 WRN 5e8 ryzom_client_r.exe audio_mixer_user.cpp 479 NLSOUND::CAudioMixerUser::initDevice : Failed to create the FMod driver object
Then player system don't succeed to load FMod driver :( I suggest to switch back to XAudio2 driver by adding to their client.cfg :
DriverSound = "XAudio2";
Coordinates of Ryzom window are outside the screen, to fix that :
If this error message occurs, it means that Ryzom didn't receive any response from server. In most of cases, it's related to a connection problem. If you have an anti-virus and/or a firewall you could try to disable them (at least to check if it works).
You can also try to display URL : http://shard.ryzom.com:40916/login/r2_login.php?cmd=ask
If it displays an error message or a blank page, you found the problem (that's your connection), if it displays the correct message : 0:Invalid account: (2001) (in askSalt) it's something else.
It's a standard crash, you need to gather more details depending on the moment where it crashed.
With old OS X versions, you can get an error message when installing Ryzom Installer, to workaround that you can directly download a ZIP file containing Ryzom Installer on: http://devl1.ryzom.com/RyzomInstaller.zip
These errors are from Qt, you can find them on : http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qabstractsocket.html#SocketError-enum
WARNING: you can only access Yubo shard if you have got a specific account with yubo access.
To add Yubo with Ryzom Installer, just follow these steps :
-close Ryzom Installer if it is launched
-show your hidden folders
-WINDOWS: go to C:\Users\<login>\AppData\Local\Ryzom - or type %appdata% in explorers' addressbar and go back one time to find local folder
-MAC: go to ~/Library/Application Support/Ryzom
-LINUX: go to ~/.local/share/Ryzom under Linux or the other folder where you installed Ryzom
-copy ryzom_live folder to ryzom_dev
-open ryzom_installer.ini with a text editor (Wordpad, notepad++, gedit, etc...)
(to find it: WINDOWS -> C:\Users\<login>\AppData\Local\Ryzom - or type %appdata% in explorers' addressbar and go back one time to find local folder MAC -> find the ryzom_installer.ini in /Users/<Your UserID>/Library/Application Support/Ryzom
- delete all parts beginning by [servers] and [server_0] and put :
[servers] size=2 [server_0] id=ryzom_live name=Atys display_url="http://app.ryzom.com/app_releasenotes/index.php?lang=$LANG" files_list_url="https://sourceforge.net/projects/ryzom/rss?path=/installer" data_download_url="http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/ryzom/installer/ryzom_live_data.7z?r=&ts=$TIMESTAMP" data_download_filename=ryzom_live_data.7z data_compressed_size=1500000000 data_uncompressed_size=7000000000 client_download_url="http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/ryzom/installer/ryzom_live_client_$ARCH.7z?r=&ts=$TIMESTAMP" client_download_filename=ryzom_live_client_$ARCH.7z client_filename_windows=ryzom_client_r.exe client_filename_osx=Ryzom.app/Contents/MacOS/Ryzom client_filename_linux=ryzom_client client_filename_old_windows=client_ryzom_rd.exe configuration_filename_windows=ryzom_configuration_qt_r.exe configuration_filename_osx=Ryzom.app/Contents/MacOS/RyzomConfiguration configuration_filename_linux=ryzom_configuration_qt comments= [server_1] id=ryzom_dev name=Yubo display_url="http://app.ryzom.com/app_releasenotes/index.php?lang=$LANG" files_list_url="https://sourceforge.net/projects/ryzom/rss?path=/installer" data_download_url="http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/ryzom/installer/ryzom_live_data.7z?r=&ts=$TIMESTAMP" data_download_filename=ryzom_live_data.7z data_compressed_size=1500000000 data_uncompressed_size=7000000000 client_download_url="http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/ryzom/installer/ryzom_live_client_$ARCH.7z?r=&ts=$TIMESTAMP" client_download_filename=ryzom_live_client_$ARCH.7z client_filename_windows=ryzom_client_r.exe client_filename_osx=Ryzom.app/Contents/MacOS/Ryzom client_filename_linux=ryzom_client client_filename_old_windows=client_ryzom_rd.exe configuration_filename_windows=ryzom_configuration_qt_r.exe configuration_filename_osx=Ryzom.app/Contents/MacOS/RyzomConfiguration configuration_filename_linux=ryzom_configuration_qt comments=Test server
- save the file
- WINDOWS: launch Ryzom Installer in Ryzom's main folder
- MAC: launch Ryzom Installer in /Applications
- LINUX: launch Ryzom Installer in Applications menus
- create new profiles in Settings -> Profiles, you should have Atys and Yubo as server choice now :)
- click on "Open" button to open profile folder
- open client.cfg with a text editor (Wordpad, notepad++, gedit, etc...
- add the line at the end (if not already done) : Application = {"ryzom_dev", "./client_ryzom_r.exe", "./"};
- save client.cfg
- return back to Ryzom Installer window
- click on OK
- select your profile and click on Play, it should patch