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The host system should be a debian or any derivate. Didn't tested but if you chroot a squeeze, your debian version should be at least a squeeze too. I choosed squeeze because the libc version is pretty old, so the static binary compiled should work on (almost) every linux system.

$ command means run as simple user
# command means run as root
#$ command means run as simple user inside chroot
## command means run as root inside chroot

Setting up the chroot

Don't forget to change USER by your username or it won't work :p

# apt-get install debootstrap dchroot
$ mkdir /home/USER/chroot/ryzom_squeeze64
$ mkdir /home/USER/chroot/ryzom_squeeze32
# debootstrap --arch amd64 squeeze /home/USER/chroot/ryzom_squeeze64
# debootstrap --arch i386 squeeze /home/USER/chroot/ryzom_squeeze32

!!The instruction are only for the 64 bits chroot, just change the path for the 32 bits one :)

# chroot /home/USER/chroot/ryzom_squeeze64
## apt-get install wget nano locales dialog apt-utils
## dpkg-reconfigure locales
## nano /etc/apt/sources.list

It should look like this :

deb squeeze main contrib non-free
deb-src squeeze main contrib non-free

## apt-get update
## exit
# cp /etc/passwd/ /home/USER/chroot/ryzom_squeeze64/etc/
# sed 's/\([^:]*\):[^:]*:/\1:*:/' /etc/shadow | tee /home/USER/chroot/ryzom_squeeze64/etc/shadow
# cp /etc/group /home/USER/chroot/ryzom_squeeze64/etc/
# cp /etc/hosts /home/USER/chroot/ryzom_squeeze64/etc/
# chroot /home/USER/chroot/ryzom_squeeze64
## passwd

I recommend using the same password as the root on your system (i think the root's password is supposed to be copied, not sure why it don't work)

## exit

Now we have to mount some directory for our chroot :

# nano /etc/fstab

Add the following lines :

/proc /home/USER/chroot/ryzom_squeeze64/proc none rbind 0 0
/dev /home/USER/chroot/ryzom_squeeze64/proc none rbind 0 0
/sys /home/USER/chroot/ryzom_squeeze64/proc none rbind 0 0
/tmp /home/USER/chroot/ryzom_squeeze64/proc none rbind 0 0
# mount -a
# chroot /home/USER/chroot/ryzom_squeeze64
## echo ryzomm_squeeze64 >> /etc/debian_chroot
## exit
# nano /etc/schroot/schroot.conf

Add the following lines (make sure to change the "users=" line & directory line)

description=Squeeze 64bits for ryzom

description=Squeeze 32 bits for ryzom

You can now use your chroot as a normal user, just type :

$ dchroot -c ryzom_squeeze64

You won't have a ~ the first time you log in, just create it

#$ su -
## mkdir /home/USER
## chown USER:USER /home/USER
## exit

Congratulations ! Your chroot are now working perfectly !

Downloading ryzom dependencies

## apt-get install mercurial libluabind-dev libfreetype6-dev libx11-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libxxf86vm-dev \
 libxrandr-dev libxrender-dev libopenal-dev libogg-dev libvorbis-dev libxml2-dev cmake build-essential \
  libpng12-dev libjpeg62-dev rrdtool libmysqlclient15-dev bison libxmu-dev autoconf automake libtool 

Compiling ryzom dependencies

You can probably download some of this libs but since there is often problems with them, i prefer to compile them myself :) First, download all the code you need :

#$ cd ~
#$ mkdir dep_ryzomcore && cd dep_ryzomcore
#$ hg clone
#$ hg clone
#$ export CMAKE_MODULE_PATH= $(pwd)/cmake/modules

Luabind :

#$ cd packaging/luabind
#$ mkdir build && cd build
#$ cmake -DWITH_STATIC=ON ..
#$ make
## make install

libwww-dev :

#$ cd ~/dep_ryzomcore/libwww
#$ ./
#$ ./configure --with-ssl=no --with-zlib --with-expat --with-gnu-ld --enable-shared
#$ make
## make install

If you want to create packages for ryzom, see #Creating a package for libwww

libsquish :

#$ cd ~/dep_ryzomcore/
#$ export CMAKE_MODULE_PATH= $(pwd)/cmake/modules
#$ cd packaging/squish
#$ mkdir build && cd build
#$ cmake ..
#$ make
## make install

cpptest :

#$ cd ~/dep_ryzomcore/cpptest/
#$ sh ./
#$ ./configure
#$ make
## make install

Note : If you have trouble during the / configure part due to glibtoolize, find the following line (should be line 31) :

if glibtoolize --version &>/dev/null ; then

and replace it by :

if hash glibtoolize 2>/dev/null ; then

Compiling ryzom dependencies, static version specific

We need to build libopenal static :

#$ cd ~
#$ mkdir libopenal && cd libopenal
#$ apt-get source libopenal1
#$ nano openal-soft-1.12.854-2/debian/rules

add this line "-DLIBTYPE=STATIC", after line 15, so you'll something like this :

               -DALSOFT_CONFIG=ON \
               -DLIBTYPE=STATIC \

## apt-get build-dep libopenal1
#$ cd openal-soft-1.12.854-2
#$ dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -uc -b

Unfortunately the install isn't going well so we need to copy the static lib by hand :

##cp ~/libopenal/openal-soft-1.12.854-2/build-tree/libopenal.a /usr/lib

And now we need a static curl :

#$ cd ~
#$ mkdir libcurl && cd libcurl

I prefer to have the same curl version as my system (check apt-cache policy libcurl3 to have the info) but it shouldn't change much

#$ wget -c
#$ tar xjf curl-7.21.0.tar.bz2
#$ cd curl-7.21.0
#$ ./configure --disable-ldap --disable-ldaps --disable-rtsp --disable-dict --disable-ipv6 \
--disable-crypto-auth --disable-sspi --disable-tls-srp --without-gnutls --without-librtmp \
--without-libidn --disable-versioned-symbols --disable-pop3 --without-libssh2
#$ make
## make install

Getting ryzom code

#$ cd ~
#$ hg clone

We just need to switch branch (default to compatibility)

#$ cd ryzomcore
#$ hg update -c compatibility

If you need to update the code later, just type :

#$ hg pull && hg update

Building Ryzom (static version)

#$ cd ~
#$ mkdir build_static && cd build_static

use the following cmake options :

-DWITH_STATIC_EXTERNAL=ON -DWITH_STLPORT=OFF -DCURL_LIBRARY=/usr/local/lib/libcurl.a ../ryzomcore/code

The directory of might change, depending on the strange things happenin in /usr/lib with the i386/ amd64 directory, check it before building.

Here, n is the number of core in your CPU :

#$ make -jn

Building Ryzom (dynamically linked)

#$ cd ~
#$ mkdir build && cd build

For differents cmake options, see #CMake options. Here's the one i'm using :


If you are having trouble with cmake who can't find LIBWWW_INCLUDE_DIR, it's probably because the make install of libwww put everything in a subfolder of /usr/local/include and cmake doesn't seems to find it. Easiest way to solve it is : (the path may change a little on your computer)

## cd /usr/local/include/-package/
## mv * ..

Then run cmake again Here, n is the number of core in your CPU :

#$ make -jn

The binary is now in bin/ryzom_client. You can't really use this one like that, because you need all the libs (libnel* + libryzom* that you just compiled, libwww+libsquish+libcpptest+libluabind that you compiled earlier). If you want to use this one, copy all the file in lib/ and all the file in /usr/local/lib in your system (/usr/local/lib for example). Also see building a package later, this building method is the best to do that :)

Creating a package for ryzom

This method of creating a package is NOT the best, but it's the easiest IMO. You will need fakeroot, installed using apt :

## apt-get install checkinstall fakeroot

Then, let's get back to our new build of ryzom :

## cd ~/build
## checkinstall make install

Answer "y" to the documentation question, don't bother giving a description or change the different variable (maintainer, summary ...) we'll go back to that later. If checkinstall asks you something about file created inside the home directory, exclude them from the package. First thing to do is to remove the package from your system :

## dpkg -r build

Then we are going to work on the package itself (the .deb will probably change on your system, don't worry about it). Not sure

## cp build_20140826-1_amd64.deb /tmp/tmp_package.deb
## chown USER:USER /tmp/tmp_package.deb
#$ cd /tmp
#$ mkdir package && cd package

This command create the DEBIAN (where all the metadata about the package are) :

#$ dpkg-deb -e ../tmp_package.deb

This command extract the files of the package :

#$ dpkg-deb -x ../tmp_package.deb .

Now we are going to select which file we are going to keep, and where we put them. You just have to remove / move the files inside the usr/ directory created by the dpkg-deb -x command (so it will be like /tmp/package/usr/PATH/TO/YOUR/FILE). For my example, i have the following hierarchy :

				lot of directory/
			libnel*.so [not gonna put them all]
				*.pc files
	 				Different_resolution folders/

I don't want the bin/ directory (i don't need this executable), so i remove it from the package. The lib/ & include/ directory is cool but i decided to have 2 different packages, one for the lib and one for the client, so we are going to save this folders for now. Finally, the etc/ & games/ are really needed so we keep them, and share/ is pretty useful so same here. So it gives me the following commands :

#$ cd usr/local/
#$ rm -R bin/ include/
#$ mkdir /tmp/package_lib/ && mkdir /tmp/package_lib/usr/ && mkdir /tmp/package_lib/usr/local/
#$ mv lib/ /tmp/package_lib/usr/local/
#$ mv include /tmp/package_lib/usr/local/

Our hierarchy is now complete (note that if you want to do a package to install on every system it's highly recommended to remove the local/ from your hierarchy so all your file goes inside usr/ and not usr/local/ which is supposed to be used ONLY for local things such as ... compiled stuff !), we are going to check all the metadata of our package :

#$ cd /tmp/package/DEBIAN/
#$ ls

conffiles control The interesting file here is the control one. We can remove the conffiles one :

#$rm conffiles

Here's my control file after my compilation :

Package: build
Priority: extra
Section: checkinstall
Installed-Size: 38568
Maintainer: root@ssd-bisous
Architecture: amd64
Version: 20140826-1
Provides: build
Description: Package created with checkinstall 1.6.2

Most of the information here are obvious, the interesting lines here is Depends : all the dependencies of our package ! A rapid ldd helps us build this depends list. It's gonna be for us [i didn't put any version check on this dependencies, it's probably needed but i'll need to look more into it]

Depends: libnel, libwww, libluabind0.9.1|libluabind0.9.2, libxml2, liblua5.1-0, libcurl3, zlib1g, \
libstdc++6, libc6, libgcc1, liblzma5, libidn11, librtmp0, libssh2-1, libssl1.0.0, libgssapi-krb5-2, \
libk5crypto3, libcomerr2, libldap-2.4-2, libgnutls26, libgcrypt11, libkrb5support0, libkeyutils1, \
libsasl2-2, libtasn1-3, libp11-kit0, libgpg-error0

All the packages in Depends: should be available with apt-get, except the first two one, libnel & libwww, that we are going to create ourself. For libnel it'll be the lib/ folder we saved earlier, for libwww see "creating a package for libwww".

After some other modifications (removed useless line, changed some of them), i have the follow CONTROL file. For the version i use 2.1.0 (current version of the official client) + the commit nummber of the code i used. For installed-size, run the following command :

#$ du -sx --exclude DEBIAN /tmp/package/
Package: ryzom
Version: 2.1.0.af0636c-debian
Architecture: amd64
Installed-Size: 10860
Depends: libnel, libwww, libluabind0.9.1|libluabind0.9.2, libxml2, liblua5.1-0, libcurl3, zlib1g, \
libstdc++6, libc6, libgcc1, liblzma5, libidn11, librtmp0, libssh2-1, libssl1.0.0, libgssapi-krb5-2, \
libk5crypto3, libcomerr2, libldap-2.4-2, libgnutls26, libgcrypt11, libkrb5support0, libkeyutils1, \
libsasl2-2, libtasn1-3, libp11-kit0, libgpg-error0
Section: games
Priority: extra
Description: Dynamic client for the Ryzom game !

Now we just need to add the md5sums of all the file (so dpkg can check if there was no data corrupted while downloading for example) :

#$ cd /tmp/package
#$ find . -type f ! -regex '.*.hg.*' ! -regex '.*?debian-binary.*' ! -regex '.*?DEBIAN.*' -printf '%P ' | xargs md5sum > DEBIAN/md5sums

finally, we have to do the package

#$ dpkg-deb -b . ../ryzom-2.1.0_amd64.deb

You have your final package, in /tmp/ryzom-2.1.0_amd64.deb (you should save it asap :p)

BUT it's not over yet, cause we have to make a package for libnel. We have all the file in /tmp/package_lib/usr/local/lib/, so it's gonna be easy

#$ cd /tmp/package_lib/
#$ mkdir DEBIAN/

Change the hierarchy of the files if you want, at the moment it's


I'll keep it cause i find it okay, so i only have to bothers about DEBIAN/control : The version is based on ryzomCore versionning (at the time we are using 0.9.0)

#$ nano DEBIAN/control
Package: libnel
Priority: extra
Section: lib
Installed-Size: 27700
Architecture: amd64
Version: 0.9.0-af0636c
Provides: libnel
Description: libnel for ryzom (contains lib and include)

Same here, installed-size given by the following command :

#$ du -sx --exclude DEBIAN /tmp/package_lib/

And now we create our package :

#$ cd /tmp/package_lib/
#$ find . -type f ! -regex '.*.hg.*' ! -regex '.*?debian-binary.*' ! -regex '.*?DEBIAN.*' -printf '%P ' | xargs md5sum > DEBIAN/md5sums
#$ dpkg-deb -b . ../libnel-0.9.0_amd64.deb

Tada ! It's all ok ! The package is far from being perfect ; a good way to make it better is to add pre/post inst/rm script, which are bash script executed at the installation/suppression of the package, but i won't explain it further (there is plenty of information on the internet). If you want to install your package, make sure to install libnel & libwww before you install ryzom, so for example it could be something like that.

# dpkg -i libnel-0.9.0_amd64.deb libwww-5.4.0-11_amd64.deb
# dpkg -i ryzom-2.1.0_amd64.deb

Creating a package for libwww

Not gonna explain much, if you want to understand how it works check "Creating a package for ryzom" part. So we are after our make install of libwww, for context.

## cd /home/USER/dep_ryzomcore/packaging/libwww
## checkinstall make install

Just change the version to a random integer if you have a warning or you won't be able to finish the package build

## dpkg -r libwww
## cp libwww_1-1_amd64.deb /tmp/tmp_libwww.deb
## chown USER:USER /tmp/tmp_libwww.deb
#$ cd /tmp
#$ mkdir package_www/ && cd package_www
#$ dpkg-deb -e ../tmp_libwww.deb
#$ dpkg-deb -x ../tmp_libwww.deb .

I'm just going to put all the include miscorrectly placed in usr/local/include/-package/ in usr/local/include & remove the bin folder

#$ cd /tmp/package_www/usr/local/include/-package/
#$ mv * ..
#$ cd /tmp/package_www/
#$ rm /tmp/package_www/usr/local/include/-package/
#$ rm -R usr/local/bin/
#$ nano DEBIAN/control

Package: libwww Priority: extra Section: lib Installed-Size: 7540 Maintainer: Architecture: amd64 Version: 5.4.0-11 Provides: libwww Description: libwww is a lib you need to compile & use ryzom

#$ find . -type f ! -regex '.*.hg.*' ! -regex '.*?debian-binary.*' ! -regex '.*?DEBIAN.*' -printf '%P ' | xargs md5sum > DEBIAN/md5sums
#$ dpkg-deb -b . ../libwww-5.4.0-11_amd64.deb

Make sure to install this package to have everything you need to compile here.

CMake options

Option specific to RyzomCore

Generic option who might be useful


Common option set to build a client

Standard client compilation :


Static client compilation :

-DWITH_STATIC_EXTERNAL=ON -DCURL_LIBRARY=/usr/local/lib/libcurl.a ..

Adding debugging symbols (useful if you want to run gdb) :


Debug mode (useful only if you are a dev ; it's a bad idea to use it if you aren't cause there is more crash + it's slower) :



For the chroot / static compilation, an excellent tutorial by shevek : [1]

For the client building & dependencies, the RyzomCore wiki page : [2]

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