Function name : weSItemshop
Purchase item? how NPC has those items?
The Itemshop allows only to buy one type of item at a time.
WeSItemshopScript main window
- 1) item: Selection of a type of item.
- 2) icon, name and description of the item.
- 3) price
- 4) timer: ???
- 5) currency (money/pvp_points)
- 6) saveInDatabaseId: some specifc DB for that???
- 7) valideAction: Next action if the item was bought out ???
- 8) openWindow: window to be open to display the tests results. (None, WebIG, Browse NPC, Web Transaction).
- 9) [commun] Internal name of the function. This name is used especially for jumps, loops ...
Technical description of the item
- 1) Sheet name: *.sitem
- 2) Quantity
- 3) quantity_max
- 4) Quality
- 5) quality_max
- 6) customName
- 7) customText
Items in bag: how to use it IG?
Item name. Why not the standard translation function?
- 1) phraseId
- 2) itemNameFR
- 3) itemNameEN
- 4) itemNameDE
- 5) itemNameRU
- 6) itemNameES
Un virtual item, c'est quoi?
- 1) virtualItem
- 2) Icon
- 3) itemName
- 4) Quantity
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