À revérifier par rapport à la version anglaise maintenue à jour
Function name : weSMission
This function allows you to create missions like this.The NPC announcing the action "Replicant Kitin Eradicator", gave the mission "Eradication Mission" which is "You have to kill goo-kitins, now!".
Mission function enables one mission at a time.
- 1) Selection of a mission.
- 2) icon, name and description of the mission.
- 3) count
- 4) [commun] Internal name of the function. This name is used especially for jumps, loops ...
- 1) target
- 2) title: Title of the mission as seen in the top part of Missions IG window.
- 3) Description: Description of the mission displayed in the middle part of Missions IG window when selecting a mission in the tom part. This is the final aim of the mission.
- 4) obj: The detail of the of the mission displayed in the bottom main part of Missions IG window when selecting a mission in the tom part. This is the remaining aim of the mission.
- 1) target
- 2) tool
- 3) no_tool_message
- 4) title
- 5) Description
- 6) obj
- 1) target
- 2) actionText
- 3) title
- 4) Description
- 5) obj
- 1) target
- 2) title
- 3) Description
- 4) obj
- 1) target
- 2) title
- 3) Description
- 4) obj
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