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Check PlayerInfos
Function name : weCPlayerInfos
weCPlayerInfos can test any information stored on the server for the player and run an appropriate action.
- 1) checks: A list of tests that will be performed in this step added by the "plus" icon. ([commun] tool for multi sub-selections)
- 2) valideAction: Action to do if all the tests are validated (True).
- 3) failAction: Action to do if at least one test is not validated (False).
- 4) resetScriptIfFailed: (Yes / No) Resetting the script if failure (at least one test is not validated).
- 5) openWindow: Window to be open to display the tests results. (None, WebIG, Browse NPC, Web Transaction).
- 6) hiddenWindow (Yes / No)
- 7) [commun] Internal name of the function. This name is used especially for jumps, loops ...
Tests if the player belongs to a faction.
- 1) faction: faction to test. This faction may take one of the following:
- neutral civ, neutral cult, neutral civ cult;
- fyros, matis tryker, zorai;
- kami, karavan;
- marauder, ranger, trytonist.
Tests if the player has a certain amount of dappers.
- 1) Quantity: quantity of required dappers.
Examines the position of the player. If the player is in the rectangle bounded by coordinates mi /max x/y the return value is TRUE.
- 1) min_x: minimum x-coordinate in absolute in the map of Atys.
- 2) min_y: minimum y-coordinate in absolute in the map of Atys.
- 3) max_x: maximum x-coordinate in absolute in the map of Atys.
- 4) max_y: maximum y-coordinate in absolute in the map of Atys.
Tests if a certain amount of item at certain level is present in one of the containers of the player.
- 1) inventory: Location where should be found the item: bag, player_room, guild, pet_animal (1-4) or temporary.
- 2) sheet name
- 3)Quality: the required quality of the item.
- 4) minQuantity: the minimum amount.
Tests if the target is the desired one.
- 1) type: Sheet, bot_name, player_name, leaguemate, teammate or guildmate.
- 2) Value: the first three types require precision (Sheet, bot_name, player_name)
Tests reputation in the nations and factions.
- 1) faction: faction that can be tested are:
- fyros, matis, tryker, zoraï
- kami, karavan
- Combinations may be used to test marauders, rangers...
- 2) below_or_above: determines if the test is on the lower or higher of the following value given in next field (3).
- 3) Valeur: minimum or maximum level required for the fame respectively with the comparison selected in the previous field below_or_above below_or_above (2).
Tests the rank of the player in his guild
- 1) rank: Leader, High Officer, Officer, Member.
Tests if a minimum amount of dappers is in the treasury of the guild.
- 1) Quantity: quantity of required dappers.
Test if the player is free version or not.
no params
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