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An armor process test, by Anarkia
2014/29/07 [Winch Gate] Ryzom Forge status and tools
Winch Gate believes in Ryzom Forge project and wants to support it giving it all the tools and help useful:
- About 10 accounts on the Yubo (tests shard), with Event Managers rights to be able to use the technical things, will be given to Ryzom Forge for the tests.
- ARCC will be included as a Ryzom Forge tool (on Ryzom test server) (not before september). This will permit to add missions and so.
- The webIg forum (http://app.ryzom.com/app_forum/ ) will have a "Ryzom Forge" part as soon as the languages forums will be merged. Our first task is to definite the sub-forums for "Ryzom Forge" part.
=> Ryzom Forge is becoming the hub of Ryzom, linking all the other projects, tools and people.
REMINDER: all Ryzom Forge creations will have a CC-by-SA licence.
2014/29/07 [Winch Gate] ARCC
- Ulukyn is working on a v4 of ARCC to make it more efficient.
- An ARCC manual is beeing written by Bepock (FR, from Event Team), not translated yet because WIP: http://forge.ryzom.com/wiki/ARCC_intro .
- A more elaborate manual will be written by Bepock when the basic one will be finished.