unfinished translation, please, revision needed
The EN Infographic page holds the articles about the objectives of the Graphic team. Beginners and interested to know more can have a look on the Tutorial for outsiders.
Volunteers of the graphic group, joinable on IRC
- Aileya : professional artist 2D-3D.
- Anarkia : professional artist 2D-3D.
- Pouffie
- Ryuujin : mainly modeling. and some knowledge with texturing, rigging, skinning and animation.
- SIELA1915
- velogfx
- wiedii : LD/HD modeling, retopo, détails via texture/Normal-map.
- YannK : connaissance des étapes de création pour NeL et des liaisons Datasheets<->graphisme ; connaissances de base sur la chaine graphique 2D (vectoriel/bitmap)/3D (modélisation/topo/texturing/skin/rig/animation/rendus) mais seulement sous outils libres.
Current creations
Zoraï drinking glass, by Aileya
Zoraï drinking glass, by Ryuujin
Scheduled creations
(Non-exhaustive list, everyone is free to create what he wants, in accordance with the coherence of the Atys world.)
Not assigned yet (Please don't hesitate to assign you a task!)
- Tryker glasses.
- Plushies (be free to choose any animal's plushy you'd like to create).
- Stuffed animals to put in the apparment as a trophy (be free to choose any animal's trophy you'd like to create).
Finished creations
Teddy-Gubani and its icon, by Madi
Matis glasses, by Aileya and Anarkia
Fyros glasses, par Aileya
To know more: the different steps of the graphic work
Realisation of assets from the datas fed by the artistic direction and supported by the NeL/Client. There are a few steps:
- concept/design : creating visuals or validating existing visuals coherent with the Lore and the universe of Ryzom. Pre-requisite: we strongly recommend that you be good at drawing/illustrating.
- modeling : realisation of a mesh based on the chosen concept, the technical restrictions of the NeL and the Ryzom client, and the unfolding of the UVs.
- texturing : realisation of a targa picture (.tga) that will be applied to the 3D mesh in function of the unfolded UVs, and coherent with the visual elements already existing in the game. Pre-requisite: we strongly recommend that you be good with drawing and / or observing.
- rigging / skinning : realisation of a skeleton that can be animated and applying it to the 3D mseh (if there is need for animation!)
- animation : creation of key-pictures and d'inters en fonction d'une durée définie en images (fps) [Si besoin d'animation !] - Pré-requis fortement conseillés : savoir animer.