
Please categorize the images you upload! At least add them to the category [[Category:Ryzom Forge images]]! Lonely images are sad images :(

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Migrated to de:Grafikprojekte at 2018-09-05


unfinished translation, please, revision needed

Die Seite Grafikprojekte enthält die Artikel der Ziele des Grafikteams. Anfänger und Interessierte, die mehr wissen möchten, können ebenfalls noch einmal unter Tutorial fuer Aussenstehende vorbeischauen.


Die Freiwilligen des Grafikteams sind über IRC erreichbar.

  • Aileya : professional artist 2D-3D.
  • Anarkia  : professional artist 2D-3D.
  • Hideaki974: 2D-3D artist.
  • Pouffie
  • Ryuujin : 3D Modeler, with some knowledge of texturing, rigging, skinning and animation.
  • SIELA1915
  • velogfx
  • wiedii : LD/HD modeling, retopo, détails via texture/Normal-map.
  • YannK : connaissance des étapes de création pour NeL et des liaisons Datasheets<->graphisme ; connaissances de base sur la chaine graphique 2D (vectoriel/bitmap)/3D (modélisation/topo/texturing/skin/rig/animation/rendus) mais seulement sous outils libres.



DE translation needed please.


Non-exhaustive list, everyone is free to create what he wants, in accordance with the coherence of the Atys world.

Please don't hesitate to assign you a task!


Objects Assigned to Display Progress Status
Yubo Frame Anarkia 14946275858_c7f955d8b8_o.png Over Ready to be added ingame, need a client patch
Bodoc Frame Anarkia 14514209658_d8d979aa54_o.png Over Ready to be added ingame, need a client patch
Matis drinking glasses Aileya and Anarkia
Ma drinkingglass ingame2.png
Over Ready to be added ingame, need a client patch
Fyros drinking glasses Aileya
Over Ready to be added ingame, need a client patch
Zoraï drinking glass Aileya
Zoraï drinking glass Ryuujin
Floating Glass Previs3.png
Tryker drinking glasses

To do

Marauder drinking glass To do
Hunting trophy like Be free to choose any animal's trophy you'd like to create. To do
Cup (trophy) for the winner of a tournament To do
Fyros book shelf To do
Matis book shelf To do
Tryker book shelf To do
Zoraï book shelf To do
Marauder book shelf To do
Cube amber To do
Paper, ink and pen

To do

Food To do
Drink To do
Matis mini atys plants/trees like bonsai To do
Tryker wfishbowl with fish To do
Fyros mini flame of Justice To do
Zoraï glowing levitating sphere To do
Chest to link with the appartment inventar To do
Weapons and shields to hang on the wall To do
Flowers in a flowerpot To do
Atysmas string lights To do
Candle To do
Atysmas candy in a bowl To do
Refugee Days bowl with easter eggs To do
Refugee Days spring flowers To do
Anlor Winn ghost To do

Spawnbare Objekte

Objects Assigned to Display Progress Status
Fyros banner Aileya
Fyros flag.jpg
Over Ready to be added ingame, need a client patch
Zoraï banner Aileya
Zorai flag.png
Over Ready to be added ingame, need a client patch
Matis banner Aileya
Matis flag.png
Over Ready to be added ingame, need a client patch
Tryker banner Aileya
Tryker flag.png
Over Ready to be added ingame, need a client patch
Karavan banner Aileya To do
Kami banner Aileya To do
Marauder banner Aileya To do
Ranger banner Aileya To do
Trytonnist banner Aileya To do
Lampions for Lakeland festivals like To do
A baneer for each city Wait for the assemblies ideas
Small pillow to sit on Very flat, no collision box, so players sit still on the ground but with a very flat pillow under their butts to sit on To do
Very flat table So it can act as a real table for the typical on-the-ground-sitting of the ryzom characters) like To do
Scenery for weddings, like To do
Fyros book shelf To do
Matis book shelf To do
Tryker book shelf To do
Zoraï book shelf To do
Marauder book shelf To do


Items Assigned to Display Progress Status
Teddy-gubani Madi
Over Ready to be added ingame, need a client patch
Plushy Be free to choose any animal's plushy you'd like to create To to
Golf clubs To do, needed for Halloween 2014
Notepad and quill To do
Bunch of flowers To do
Book To do
Gift (needed for Christmas 2014) To do
Easter egg (needed for Easter 2015) To do

Andere Aufgaben

Tasks Assigned to Display Progress Status
Already existing assets list Osquallo WIP
Complete the "Tools" part of this page Please write the names of the useful tools for the graphic group + links if useful To do
Complete the "Tutorials" part of this page Please write the titles of the useful tutorials for the graphic group + links To do

Weiterführendes : Die Rolle des Grafikteams

Realisierung der Assets durch künsterlischer Leitung und unterstützt von NeL/Client. Dazu gibt es folgende Schritte:

  • Konzept/Design : creating visuals or validating existing visuals coherent with the Lore and the universe of Ryzom. Pre-requisite: we strongly recommend that you be good at drawing/illustrating.
  • Modelierung : realisation of a mesh based on the chosen concept, the technical restrictions of the NeL and the Ryzom client, and the unfolding of the UVs.
  • Texturierung : realisation of a targa picture (.tga) that will be applied to the 3D mesh in function of the unfolded UVs, and coherent with the visual elements already existing in the game. Pre-requisite: we strongly recommend that you be good with drawing and / or observing.
  • Rigging / Skinning : realisation of a skeleton that can be animated and applying it to the 3D mseh (if there is need for animation!)
  • Animation : creation of key-pictures and d'inters en fonction d'une durée définie en images (fps) [Si besoin d'animation !] - Pré-requis fortement conseillés : savoir animer.


38 pages in Graphic

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