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User comment.png Function name : weSNpcDialog_v2

This function creates a bubble of an NPC dialogue with options to choose.

WeSNpcDialog IG

This bubble are composed of two parts.

WeSNpcDialog window
  • 2) {npcRowId} ?
  • 5.1) The right column gives the displaying question. Using the translation tool can adapt a text for each languages of Ryzom.

If the all field is empty, there are no question in the bubble. (but how to chain to a second bubble?)

WeSNpcDialog window
Actions are divided into:
  • 5.2.1) none
  • 5.2.2) resume or finish de script
  • 5.2.3) open or finish the URL
  • 5.2.4) jump to a stage (only after the current step as the Jump function)
  • 5.2.5) run script
  • 5.2.6) include script (same as Include function)
  • 6) luaCheck?

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