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Proposed model for the lore. The lore is moved in the Encyclopatys
The Official Portal Lore
Actually there are 25 articles in category Lore.
In the year 2525, Atys looks like an amnesic planet. Homins ignores almost everything of their past and know even less about the history of their planet. This section is the reflection of their knowledge. It gathers the knowledge already accumulated and will expand at the rate of their steps towards the truth. Dive into this section and enter straight to the world of Ryzom.
In the year 2525, Atys looks like an amnesic planet. Homins ignores almost everything of their past and know even less about the history of their planet. This section is the reflection of their knowledge. It gathers the knowledge already accumulated and will expand at the rate of their steps towards the truth. Dive into this section and enter straight to the world of Ryzom.
In the year 2525, Atys looks like an amnesic planet. Homins ignores almost everything of their past and know even less about the history of their planet. This section is the reflection of their knowledge. It gathers the knowledge already accumulated and will expand at the rate of their steps towards the truth. Dive into this section and enter straight to the world of Ryzom.
To be revised (some links lead to french pages)
Creating, importing, copying documents (texts, graphics ...) of the Lore so that all the players can find the necessary indications as to the History of Atys in order to have a coherent play between all; Helping translate the Lore into all languages complying with certain nomenclatures and rules to ease the cohesion of the wiki; Suggesting improvements, giving feedback on IRC and the forums, correcting misspellings and typographies you notice. There is no small contribution, no obligation to have specific skills, everybody can participate, learn and improve the Lore.
- How to create a ready-to-use page? You are lost then visit the editorial guide of Zorroargh who hopes a good soul will have the energy to translate it.
- What to translate? The documents to be translated are collected in the list of the documents which request a translation.
- How to report that the text has to be translated or its translation to be checked for synchronizing of changes? Just add in the page a translation request tag.
- How to report that the translation has been taken into account? Edit the tag pointed above. The system is not intended for LCM (proofreading...).
- Then, last tip for the pleasure of all: write as homin and not as human. Use the "OOC" for the latter.
Last version 2018-06-05