Window ARCC EN

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Migrated to en:ARK/Window at 2019-01-18


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Webig windows management

Application xp.png Function name : weAWindow_v3

This feature allows you to manage dialogs (open / close, size and position)

WeAWindow IG
WeAWindow ARCC
  • 1) Execute action : (Activate/Close). Used to open a new window or close an existing one (see below).
  • 2) Resize : (Yes / No) If yes, use the values ​​in W(3) et H(4) .
  • 3) W : Width in pixels (In the example of the IG window, the value is 400)
  • 4) H : Height in pixels (In the example of the IG window, the value is 300)
  • 5) Move : (Yes / No) If yes, use the values ​​in X(6) et Y(7) . These values ​​are in percent relatively to the dimensions of the window Ryzom.
  • 6) X en %: Relative position in X, 100% box on the right (Like here, in the example of the IG window).
  • 7) Y en %: Relative position in Y, 100 % box on the top. (In the example of the IG window, the value 50 % put de box in the middle)
  • 8) [expert] Webig window. The default is "Current" in basic mode. This setting determines what kind of WebIG window has to be controlled.
→ BBCode :
→$_GET[« current_window »] :
→ Webig: Is the window that opens when you do <shift> + w. This is the one that displays web apps
→ Browse Npc: Is the window that opens when talking to an NPC. So this is the one that opens when you link a script to an NPC.
→ Web Transaction: This is a hidden window that receives responses from the server. The player should never see.
  • 9) windowTitle : The title of the window when that last one is visible.

←ARCC Guide EN

63 pages in ARCC

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