Revision as of 14:47, 21 July 2014
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Ryzom Forge, the Collaborative Project.
"The wealth of Ryzom resides in what the players and those who love it can bring to it. For this to happen, we must give them the means and opportunity."
This sentence sums up by itself the essence of the project: to expand the Power to Players beyond the single Role-play and finally give the Ryzom community means to act on the game itself.
General presentation of the project
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What is Ryzom Forge?
Ryzom Forge is an ambitious collaborative project open to the gaming community and the open source community, in partnership with Winch Gate and volunteers from the Ryzom team.The partnership already established with the Khaganat project ( since the design stage of the Ryzom Forge project, has proven to us the relevance of the ambition of an opening to the open source community.
The design of this project is planned in progressive stages, each bringing its own addition to the game:
- The first step, the simplest, is to enrich available apartment items.
- The second step is to take advantage of the mastery of adding objects to create new equipable items.
- The third stage, more elaborate, and also requiring a good deal of work on the tribes "level design" side, will be to create new weapon patterns available through tribe rites.
- The final stage, called New Zone project will be the creation of a new game area.
WARNING! We cannot guarantee that the final stage can be reached, or even that the first will be achieved. But we want to give you the means to meet the challenge and to be at your side to move it forward as far as possible.
>>> Album of the creations : <<<
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----- >>> ACCESS ALL NEWS <<<-----
2015/07/27 Report of Ryzom Forge meeting
2015/07/13 Report of Ryzom Forge meeting
2015/02/20 Sheetids of all spawned objects
2015/01/19 Ryzom Forge's meeting: reorganization and openings of the Ryzom teams
2014/12/20 Pocket Worlds
2014/11/14 Items for guild halls
Do you dream to furnish and decorate your guild hall? If so, this message is for you!
Guild halls will finally be able to be furnished!
A call is made to all Cabinetmakers, Taxidermists, Sculptors and other artists, but also to all those who have ideas to share, gather around Ryzom Forge to create future objects that will decorate our guild halls.
Additional objects for guild halls, can be added in the same way as for apartments, requiring no patch to be implemented as and when they are created.
What will be the first object you decorate your hall with?
REMINDER: all Ryzom Forge creations will have a CC-by-SA licence.
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Here are the different groups of the project:
- Admin/SysOp: management of that website and help for users. (In French only for now. Translation is welcome.)
- ARK: integration of the missions created by the Level Design group.
- Communication & Marketing : management of the communication and of the internal coordination.
- Development: creation of programms, providing the Ryzom and NEL tools from RyzomCore for the various platforms, integration of the creations in a set exportable to the Ryzom server.
- Ideas: management of the ideas posted on Ryzom Forge Wiki and on the "Ideas" forum.
- Infographic: Full implementation (from modeling to animation) of integrated and supported by Nel/Client assets.
- Level-Design: design of the environment, scenarios and missions that will be added in game.
- Tests: tests.
- Support: information about support for the different OS: Linux, Mac, Windows.
- Translation : translations of the wiki, documents and ingame new contents.
- Tutoriels: writing of the documentation needed to reproduce the processes.
- General Chat of the project : #ryzomforge on FreeNode, for a fast and alive exchanges. More on IRC
- Forum (for extended exchanges) coming soon Expected on the Ryzom official forum
Both are complementary. Please note that the IRC logs can be made available.
How to contribute/help?
Help by translating tutorials in each language, by exploring and gathering information on the tools, creating graphics, suggesting missions, giving your opinion on IRC and forums, improving the wiki structure and correcting typo/mistakes that you may find ... There is no little contribution, no specific skill requirement, everyone can contribute, learn and improve the project.
Last version 2014-07-21